David is known as Israel’s greatest king, but he was certainly not a super-hero. He had to fight many difficult battles to establish his throne, and when he did become king, he committed murder, adult
It took more than forty years of wandering, but finally the nation of Israel was ready to enter the land that God had promised to them. However, they knew that arriving at the borders was just the beg
The times of the judges were turbulent days in Israel’s history, marked by a continuing cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance. In time, the people of Israel decided they would do bette
Luke wrote the book of Acts as a testament to the explosive spread of the gospel and the rapid growth of the church after Christ’s ascension. Beginning with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentec
The New Testament launches with an eyewitness account of the events of Jesus’ life from Matthew, a former despised tax collector who experienced a radical conversion and became one of Jesus’ own disci
The Gospel of Luke tells the story of Jesus from a perspective unlike any other. As a physician, Luke presents a detailed account of Jesus’ conception and birth. As a meticulous historian, he highligh
The Gospel of John is filled with profound truths and rich spiritual stories. Stories of Christ’s miracles that inspire His followers; stories of a death that redeems the lost; and stories of a resurr
Though attempting to live a transformed life by the power of the Holy Spirit, the church in Ephesus was immersed in an evil culture and surrounded by sin and pagan ways. Discouraged believers needed a
The people in the city of Philippi who received this letter from their friend, Paul, were suffering from two of Christianity’s greatest adversaries: self-sufficiency and complacency. While writing thi
In the midst of persecution and rejection, the Jewish believers, who had come from a background of legalism and works, were tempted to hold onto symbols, rituals, and traditions that were grounded in
The apostle James, the oldest half-brother of Jesus, was a key leader in the Jerusalem church. During the early days of the young church, the Jewish believers had been scattered by persecution. Out of
Believers in the early church scattered across the Roman Empire were facing the threat of increased persecution. Peter, the most outspoken of the disciples and leader among the apostles, wrote two pra
“I heard Jesus speak,” John writes. “I saw him . . . I even touched him.” Just as we would write about someone we knew and loved, John tells us the truth about the Savior. In the face of false teachin
The book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ in glory. The apostle John wrote this letter to the churches in Asia Minor who were feeling the overwhelming effects of persecution from all sides. This boo
The Gospel of Mark, more than any other Gospel, gives us precious glimpses into Christ’s humanity. Jesus amazes His followers—those in the past as well as His disciples today—as He teaches, heals, per
The people of Israel were carried away to Babylon, where they lived as exiles and outcasts. God sent this judgment on His people because of their continued unfaithfulness to His word—but the day came
Timothy was a close associate of Paul who was facing problems within the church that he was leading in Ephesus. In these personal letters, Paul gives practical pastoral instruction to his protege, hig
During the time of the divided kingdom, both the nation of Israel in the north and Judah in the south witnessed great miracles and great failures as their kings vacillated between serving God and foll