A series of chunky board books featuring things that go and sliding counters!Discover five different cars in this series of interactive board books with easy-to-use moving parts – a car, a sports car, a racecar, a four-wheel drive and a taxi!Learn vehicle vocabulary with simple first words, clear diagrams and helpful text prompts to encourage discussion. Then trace 5 types of transport around 5 different tracks with a moving counter on every spread and the cover. The perfect book for children who love racecars – and being in the driving seat!Other titles in the series include: Farm, Building Site and Trucks
大考字彙與翻譯 一次搞定 HOW EASY! 本書特色 彙集歷屆大考精選單字500個,撰寫成情境豐富的文意字彙題,利用這些測驗,保證讓你不僅能記下單字,更能達到活用 HOW EASY! 綜合多元且生活化的各類翻譯題目,讓你輕鬆做好翻譯練習、徹底厚植翻譯實力,保證面對大考翻譯感覺 HOW EASY! 解析本收錄字彙題幹完整中譯、重點單字片語整理;翻譯部分則有重點句型及文法