What do you think of me, Dad,writing this in Cree?Could there have been more roomfor a Cree conversation,for a Cree understanding,for a daughter's understandingher father's honourin the space between,
Poetic, witty, and ever so faintly surreal, Seferdelicately explores the legacy of the Holocaust for the postwargeneration, a generation for whom a devastating history has growndistant, both temporall
Musing is a book of sonnets, combining one of poetry'smost classic forms with history and landscape. Ranging from thetraditional to the innovative, Jonathan Locke Hart captures a piece ofEuropean poet
With wit and cunning, Noble's poems insinuate themselves into the mediations of "we use language" / "language uses us," into the objectification of "mind," into the struggles and cracking of systems.
Prompted by renowned poet E.D. Blodgett's deep love for Prague,Praha is a poetic homage to the legendary city's richlifeblood. With each poem accompanied by its Czech translation, thepieces in this co
Collecting poems from the underground, Zeus and the Giant IcedTea is a dream-like voyage through poetic narrative format,blending and blurring the line between poetry and fiction. Exploringthe freneti