Reorganized for ease of use, The Musician’s Guide to Aural Skills features chapters that correspond with The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis; within each chapter, activities are carefully sequ
Reorganized for ease of use, The Musician’s Guide to Aural Skills features chapters that correspond with The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis; within each chapter, activities are carefully sequ
The Musician’s Guide to Fundamentals teaches the basics of music—listening, writing, and performing—using real music, from Bach to the Beatles, Broadway to the Black-Eyed Peas. A unique hands-on appro
For lower-level undergraduate music majors, Phillips (Westminster Choir College, Rider U.) et al. provide a textbook that focuses on the aural skills of sight-singing, rhythm-reading, keyboard skills,
The Musician’s Guide to Aural Skills integrates all critical aural skills in a single teaching and learning program coordinated (chapter by chapter) with a companion text in theory and analysis. The t
(Musician's Guide Home Recordg). Along with a computer, an audio interface provides the all-important hardware foundation for computer-based recording. This book helps musicians choose, apply, and get