This critically acclaimed, award-winning middle grade debut follows the story of the three Green children who are cared for by a nanny pig. Yes, a pig. A fabulously sassy and impeccably dressed pig as
The world's most fabulous nanny pig is back in this side-splitting sequel to The Adventures of Nanny Piggins! When Mr. Green announces his diabolical plan-he has decided to get married-his children a
Never fear, Nanny Piggins is here! When Mr. Green calls from a tropical island, begging to be rescued, Nanny Piggins' first instinct is to say no. However, a principle is at stake. No one kidnaps her
In space, no one can hear you oink!Derrick, Samantha, and Michael should be in school. Instead they find themselves in NASA's space shuttle, which Nanny Piggins manages to accidentally launch, blastin
The woman was not a woman. She was a pig. A common, pink farm pig. The type bacon came from. "Good evening, I am Nanny Piggins," said Nanny Piggins the pig. When stingy Mr. Green planted a Nanny Wan
When a runaway lion begins wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, an unimpressed Nanny Piggins adapts her ski-jumping skills, introduces hot-pink leotards to the Neighborhood Watch and demonstrates trape
You should never cross a flying pig...When Mr. Green decides to get married, his children are horrified. If he carries out his diabolical plan, he'll fire their beloved nanny. Breakfast without chocol