Charlotte Rutter/ Leonard Griffiths/ Tina Mehta/ Chris Probert
Davies, Nev; Jackson, Will; Price, Andrew; Rees, Jonathan; Lavy, Chris
Declan Costello (EDT)/ Stuart Winter (EDT)
Duncan Forsyth/ Stephen Wallis
John (Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon Breeze University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Senior Lecturer Imperial College London UK),Ross (Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Elledge U
John Breeze (EDT)/ Sat Parmer (EDT)/ Niall M. H. Mcleod (EDT)
Kalhan, Atul (Consultant Diabetes & Endocrinology, Royal Glamorgan Hospital)
Marjot, Thomas (Specialty Registrar in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Specialty Registrar in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK),McGregor, Colleen
Richard Molloy (EDT)/ Graham Mackay (EDT)/ Campbell S. D. Roxburgh (EDT)/ Martha Quinn (EDT)
Yael Gelfer (EDT)/ Deborah Eastwood (EDT)/ Karen Daly (EDT)