David Ford (EDT)/ Mike Higton (EDT)
Grey, Christopher (Reader in Organizational Theory, the Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge),Willmott, Hugh (Diageo Professor of Management Studies, the Judge Institute of Manageme
Jeffrey J. Reuer (EDT)/ J. J. Reuer (EDT)
John Hutchinson (EDT)/ Anthony D. Smith (EDT)
John Hutchinson (EDT)/ Anthony D. Smith (EDT)/ John Hutchinson
Martin Bulmer (EDT)/ John Solomos (EDT)
Michael Rosen (EDT)/ Jonathan Wolff (EDT)/ Catriona McKinnon (EDT)
Patrick Maynard (EDT)/ Susan L. Feagin (EDT)
Prusak, Laurence (Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Babson College),Matson, Eric (Manager, Institute for Corporate Excellence, McKinsey & Company)
Sandra Kemp (EDT)/ Judith Squires (EDT)