Alexa (Lecturer von Winning Lecturer Institute for Eastern European History and Area Studies Tuebingen University)
Alexander M. (Professor of History Martin Professor of History University of Notre Dame)
Amit (Visiting Assistant Professor of International and Global Studies Prakash Visiting Assistant Professor of International and Global Studies Middlebury College)
Andrew (Associate Professor Bonnell School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry Associate Professor School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry University of Queensland)
Aurelie Dianara (Research Fellow Andry Research Fellow Universite d'Evry Paris Saclay Laboratoire IDHES)
Catherine (Research Fellow Gibson Research Fellow School of Theology & Religious Studies University of Tartu)
Giuliano (Lecturer in International History Garavini University of Padova Italy)
Giuliano Garavini/ Richard R. Nybakken
James M. (Francis H. Squire Professor of History Brophy University of Delaware)
MacArthur-Seal, Daniel-Joseph