Brute Science investigates whether biomedical research using animals is, in fact, scientifically justified. Hugh LaFollette and Niall Shanks examine the issues in scientific terms using the models tha
Metaphysics of Consciousness opens with a development of the physicalist outlook that denies the need for any explanation of the mental. This "inexplicability" is demonstrated not to be sufficient as
Psychologists and philosophers have assumed that psychological knowledge is knowledge about, and held by, the individual mind. This book challenges these views, and argues that bodies of psychological
The most remarkable fact about the universe is that certain parts of it are conscious. Somehow nature has managed to pull the rabbit of experience out of a hat made of mere matter. Making its own cont
Ethics of Science is a comprehensive and student-friendly introduction to the study of ethics in science and scientific research. The book covers: * Science and Ethics * Ethical Theory and Application
Kukla (psychology and philosophy, University of Toronto) discusses the philosophical issues that arise out of the debate surrounding social constructivism, analyzing and critiquing the various constru