Post-Fregean logicians tend to ignore the traditional logic of Aristotle and the Scholastics, while in recent years, following the lead of Fred Sommers, the viability of a renewed logic of terms has b
Elements argues for an ontology derived of ten theses detailing the natures and fundamental ontic status of attribution and structure. Attribution assayed as intension-conditioned unifying-agency yiel
Today, quantum field theory (QFT)—the mathematical and conceptual framework for contemporary elementary particle physics—is the best starting point for analysing the fundamental building blocks of the
The series offers a publication forum for innovative works on all topics of analytic philosophy.The focus is on the disciplines of theoretical philosophy: metaphysics, ontology, epistemology, philosop
The book provides philosophical interpretations of pragmatic issues. It concentrates on well-established concepts such as presupposition, entailment, implicature, speech acts, subsentential speech act
Investigating the interplay of a priori and a posteriori points of view in metaphysics, scholars of philosophy focus on the ontology of space and time. The central idea is that difficult problems typi
Since the millennium, the neurophysiological and psychological bases of moral judgements and actions have been the topic of much empirical research. This volume discusses the relevance and possible us