"Presents the biography of Cesar Chavez, the Mexican American labor leader who achieved justice for migrant farm workers by creating a union to protect their rights."
"A biography on the life of the French scientist Louis Pasteur, that explains his study of germs, discovery of vaccines, and his invention of pasteurization."
"A biography of Walt Disney, the well-known animator, moviemaker, and theme park creator whose technological advancements gave the world Mickey Mouse, Disneyland, Disney World, and EPCOT."
A biography introducing the life and accomplishments of Thurgood Marshall, the African American civil rights attorney who became a prominent Supreme Court Justice.
"A biography discussing the life of Jackie Robinson, the first African American baseball player on a major league team, as well as the first African American elected to the National Baseball Hall of F
"A biography of Rosa Parks, a courageous African American woman who greatly impacted the civil rights movement in the United States by refusing to give up her seat on a city bus to a white man."