This Pillar commentary seeks to clearly explain the meaning of John’s letters to teachers, pastors, and general readers looking for a reliable resource for personal study. Colin Kruse introduces the i
In this carefully crafted commentary, Peter O'Brien uses discourse analysis to show how the letter to the Hebrews is put together. He reveals what it would have meant for its first hearers and what it
A new landmark in evangelical scholarship on the book of Acts.Fifteen years in the making, this comprehensive commentary by David Peterson offers thorough exegesis and exposition of the Acts of the
This Commentary presents a coherent reading of 1 Corinthians, taking full account of its Old Testament and Jewish roots and demonstrating Paul's primary concern for the unity and purity of the church
Peter O'Brien applies his careful and probing exegesis to the text of Ephesians, first treating the background issues of authorship, audience, purpose, message, and contents, then providing a rich ver
In this clear, concise exegetical commentary, G. Walter Hansen offers rich exposition of the text of Philippians as well as wisdom and maturity in its application. In so doing he emphasizes partnershi
Tackling these two historically underappreciated books, Peter Davids artfully reveals two fascinating epistles that deal with the confrontation between Greco-Roman world and the burgeoning firs
In this commentary Gene Green reads Paul's two letters to the Thessalonians in light of the canon of Scripture and of new knowledge about the first-century world of Thessalonica. This fruitful approac
PAUL'S LETTER TO THE ROMANS may well be the most influential book in Christian history. In this Romans commentary Colin Kruse shows how Paul expounds the gospel against the background of God's soverei
The Pastoral Letters—1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus—have made an enduring contribution to understanding the role of pastors in the church. With a spirited devotion to the text, Robert Yarbrough helps
In keeping with the Pillar New Testament Commentarys distinctive character, this volume by James R. Edwards on Luke gives special attention to the Third Gospels vocabulary and historical setting, its
Intended for preachers, Bible study leaders, and the informed layperson, this commentary examines the flow of the text, draws a few lines towards establishing how the Fourth Gospel contributes to bibl
The Pillar New Testament Commentary, designed for serious readers of the Bible, seeks above all to make clear the meaning of the text of Scripture as we have it. Writers of the PNTC volumes interact w