For researchers and scientifically oriented practitioners (clinical and otherwise), provides reviews of the research on many of the most important topics concerned with the relationship between self-e
Emphasizing a research-based approach to theoretical considerations of the definitions and values of community, 16 chapters are presented by Fisher (psychology, Victoria U., Australia), Sonn (psycholo
This original work focuses on how stress evolves and is resolved in the interplay between persons and their social connectedness within family, tribe, and culture. Stress, Culture, and Community maint
You know who you are, so the contributing psychologists need not embarrass anyone by naming names as they explore the darker side of interpersonal relationships: those behaviors that are cute and ende
Burger, who first named the personality trait desire for control and who developed the Desirability of Control Scale, reports on the recent research related to issues of perceived or desired control a
A pragmatic social cognitive psychology covers a lot of territory, mostly in personality and social psychology but also in clinical, counseling, and school psychologies. It spans a topic construed as