Malin (broadcast and electronic communication arts, San Francisco State U.) examines the more sensitive model of manhood represented in the media in the 1990s, especially in contrast to the hyper-masc
Using interviews with world-renowned and innovative hip-hop DJs, as well as technology manufacturers that cater to the market/culture, this book reveals stories behind some of the iconic DJ technolog
Sport, Beer, and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life brings together a group of esteemed international scholars to focus on the important, complex, and mutually reinforcing relat
Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism capitalizes upon the popularity of zombies, exploring the relevance of the metaphor they provide for examining the political and pedagogical
Burrill (media studies, U. of California) plots the cultural connections between videogames, gender, and digital culture. To achieve his goal, the author studies videogames, cinema, current fiction, s
Suffering from «manopause» and «Low T», underemployed and unwilling to grow up, «the other guy» has emerged as an important figure in modern media masculinity. From the films of Judd Apatow to sitcoms
Burrill, associate professor in the department of media and cultural studies at University of California-Riverside, writes about concepts of masculinity in the media, while avoiding the "rhetorics of
Soap operas and telenovelas are watched by millions of people around the world every day. As cultural, social, and economic phenomena, examining them will further our understanding of the role of glob
To those who would question these melodramatic mediated serials as subjects of serious academic study, Rois (communication sciences, Puerto Rican and Latino studies, U. of Connecticut) and Casteneda (
This edited volume seeks to redress the lack of scholarly work that takes promotion seriously as a form of social, cultural, political, and economic exchange. It unpacks the vernacular, the instituti
Beginning in the mid-2000s, celebrity gossip blogs exploded into the media market, challenging the traditional dominance of print tabloids as the primary space of celebrity dish and reconfiguring the
Beginning in the mid-2000s, celebrity gossip blogs exploded into the media market, challenging the traditional dominance of print tabloids as the primary space of celebrity dish and reconfiguring the
The second edition of Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism examines the American “culture of cruelty” and everyday violence, from school violence to political deceit to mass hys
Based on the author's dissertation at the U. of Minnesota, this volume analyzes advertisements for lifestyle drugs presented for disorders like depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, an