Accused of a crime he didn't commit, Kyosuke Kamiya is sent to Purgatorium Rehabilitation Academy. Suddenly, he's surrounded by a variety of fetching lasses--and each one of them is a murderer! Worse,
(Volume 2)Kyousuke Kamiya has only just started to get used to his life in the blood-spattered hellscape that is Purgatorium Remedial Academy and its twisted version of school life. The architect of t
Even cutthroat murderers have school athletics festivals! Aiming for the top place in the school's first murderathon, Kyousuke and his classmates suffer through backbreaking conditioning. His life get
(Volume 1)Accused of a crime he didn't commit, Kyosuke Kamiya is sent to Purgatorium Rehabilitation Academy. Suddenly, he's surrounded by a variety of fetching lasses--each one a murderer! Worse, he's
The school festival has arrived, and the students of Class A are putting together a maid cafe. Renko Hikawa returns to the school after collapsing in her fight against Kyousuke at the athletics festiv