For anyone in need of a concise, introductory guide to principle components analysis, this book is a must. Through an effective use of simple mathematical geometrical and multiple real-life examples
This second edition of Basic Content Analysis is completely updated and offers a concise introduction to content analysis methods from a social science perspective. It includes new
This book demonstrates how to estimate and interpret fixed-effects models in a variety of different modeling contexts: linear models, logistic models, Poisson models, Cox regression models, and struc
Multivariate General Linear Models is an integrated introduction to multivariate multiple regression analysis (MMR) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Beginning with an overview of the un
Quantile Regression, the first book of Hao and Naiman's two-book series, establishes the seldom recognized link between inequality studies and quantile regression models. Though separate methodologic
This monograph reviews a set of widely used summary inequality measures, and the lesser-known relative distribution method provides the basic rationale behind each measure and discusses their interco
"A reader with a strong background in mathematics, at least two semesters of calculus, and interest in the social sciences will find the book helpful in learning how this area of mathematics can be u
"The author provides a stepwise approach for evaluating the results of fitting probability models to data as the focus for the book . . . . All this is packaged very systematically . . . . the bookle
Offers readers invaluable guidance on handling cross-classified data Broadening the scope of association models beyond the typical sociological and psychological fields, author Raymond S. Wong shows
Direct, well-organized, and easy to follow, Q Methodology, Second Edition, by Bruce McKeown and Dan B. Thomas, reviews the philosophical foundations of subjective communicability (concourse theory), o
The factorial survey method is well established in the social sciences as a method of assessing respondents’ beliefs about the world, judgment principles, or decision rules. Instead of single-item que
The second edition of this book provides a conceptual understanding of analysis of variance. It outlines methods for analysing variance that are used to study the effect of one or more nominal variabl
This book of worked-out examples not only accompanies Timothy M. Hagle's earlier bookBasic Math for Social Scientists: Concepts, but also provides an informal refresher course in algebra sets, limits
Updates to this new edition include: more coverage of regression assumptions and model fit; additional material on residual analysis; more examples of transformations; and the inclusion of the measure
Introducing time series methods and their application in social science research, this practical guide to time series models is the first in the field written for a non-econometrics audience. Giving r
We offer these texts bundled together at a discount for your students.Harry J. Khamis, The Association Graph and the Multigraph for Loglinear Models Volume 167This practical guide teaches nonstatistic