A brave boy goes into the hills and prays for help for his people. A rider on a magnificent animal comes to him and says: "This animal is called the Sacred Dog. He can do many things your dogs can do
From the author of the beloved classic The Great Kapok Tree, A River Ran Wild tells a story of restoration and renewal. Learn how the modern-day descendants of the Nashua Indians and European settlers
"A straightforward fictional view of an urban soup kitchen, as observed by a boy visiting it with his `Uncle Willie,' who works there every day....The difficult lives of those fed (including children)
Do you wear glasses? Ever been picked last for the team? Afraid you’ll be called on in class?Don’t laugh at me. Don’t call me names.Have you laughed at someone else for the same reasons? Someone you t
Dreaming of living in the cities that she sees from the top of the chinaberry tree, young Zora learns about reaching for her dreams and listens to the stories of her fellow townspeople, from whom she
Happy, sad, shy, excited--how do you feel? Sometimes it's hard to explain you feelings. Share this book with a friend and you'll both feel terrific!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
This story of Diego Rivera, the greatest muralist of Mexico--and of the world--is told in Spanish and English. Vibrant miniature paintings convey the sense of adventure and magic that marked Rivera's
"A succinct, informative essay illuminated by magnificent photographs. The subject is particularly absorbing, as it highlights the natural drama of a commonly experienced phenomenon....The stunning v
You probably drink milk at almost every meal. But have you ever wondered where it comes from? Cows eat special feed to make good milk. But after the cow is milked, there are still many steps the milk
ALA Notable Children's Book International Reading Association Classroom ChoiceA Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social StudiesMax is a crack baseball player. Saturday mornings he walks w
If a bus could talk, it would tell the story of a young African-American girl named Rosa who had to walk miles to her one-room schoolhouse in Alabama while white children rode to their school in a bus
Kondi is determined to make a galimoto -- a toy vehicle made of wires. His brother laughs at the idea, but all day Kondi goes about gathering up the wire he needs. By nightfall, his wonderful galimoto
No one wants to hear the little boy play his ukelele anymore...Clink, clunk, clonk. And no one wants to watch his father make things disappear...Zoop! Zoop!Until the day the fearsome giant Abiyoyo suddenly appears in town, and all the townspeople run for their lives and the lives of their children! Nothing can stop the terrible giant Abiyoyo, nothing, that is, except the enchanting sound of the ukelele and the mysterious power of the magic wand.
For thousands of years, in the jungles of the Amazon, shamans have passed their wisdom of the medicinal values of rain forest plants from one generation to the next. The Shaman's Apprentice tells the
Maps and globes can take you anywhere -- to the top of the tallest mountain on earth or the bottom of the deepest ocean. Maps tell you about the world: where various countries are located, where the j
A young deaf child who loves to run and jump and play is affectionately described by her older sister. ?Can give young children an understanding of the fact that deaf children . . . share all the inte
"Thirty authors and illustrators contribute original stories, poems, and artwork that explore and illuminate the theme of belonging, be it to a physical place or a family group. Thought-provoking and.