Originally published in 1981. This index to characters and names in the published and unpublished fiction of William Faulkner is in two parts. The first, divided into novels, short stories, and unpubl
This title, originally published in 1988, examines F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Catholic roots and his repudiation of those roots in pursuit of the American dream. The study aims to suggest that an investiga
This title, originally published in 1992, presents an assessment of Poe’s short stories that treat horror, and more specifically how he manipulated the conventions of that horror to register subtly on
Originally published in 1986. William Faulkner’s major novels represent one of the earliest American explorations into the paradoxes inherent in both literary discourse and racial segregation in the A
The annotations in this volume, originally published in 1996, intend to assist the reader of Faulkner’s The Hamlet to understand obscure or difficult words and passages, including literary allusions,