Sarah's Scribbles, Goodreads Choice Award for 2016: Best Graphic Novels & Comics". . . author Sarah Andersen uses hilarious (and adorable) comics to illustrate the very s
Winner of the Goodreads Choice Awards winner for Best Graphic Novel in 2016The fourth book in the enormously popular graphic novel series, the latest collection of Sarah's Scribbles comics explores th
Swimsuit season is coming up! Better get beach-body ready! Work on those abs! Lift those butts! ...Um, or how about never mind to all that and just be a lump. Big Mushy Happy Lump! Sarah Andersen's h
Are you a special snowflake? Do you love networking to advance your career? Have you never wasted a fresh new day surfing the internet? Ugh. This book is not for you. Please go away.Sarah's Scribbles