What's the effect of osmosis on a raisin? How is water transported through plant stems? What's the best way to grow penicillin? How are butterflies different from moths? Now you can discover answe
How does milk help me grow? Where do vitamins come from? Do carrots really strengthen my eyesight? Find out these answers-in Janice VanCleave's Food and Nutrition for Every Kid. To the delig
How do plants make their own food? Why do the different strings on a guitar have different sounds? What does the color of a star tell you about how hot the star is? What's the difference bet
Now you can discover the answers to these and many other fascinating questions about engineering for yourself with this fun-filled resource. Janice VanCleave's Engineering for Every Kid presents enter
Why is the ocean salty?How do whales stay warm?What causes tides to rise and fall?How do oil spills affect ocean animals?Now you can discover the answers to these and many other fascinating questions
Make Learning Science Fun with this Essential Guide from Everyone's Favorite Science Teacher!Now you can introduce children to the wonders of science in a way that's exhilarating and lasting. In Janic