從地面上到地底下──在本書中可以身歷其境地接觸20多名來自不同棲息地的居民!我們為什麼要欣賞蚯蚓?環尾狐猴想告訴我們什麼?是什麼讓非洲塞倫蓋提(Serengeti)的牛羚穿越鱷魚出沒的水域?與紅蟹一起漫遊聖誕島,小心袋鼠強而有力的拳腳,跟白掌長臂猿一起在樹梢上盪鞦韆!從寒冷的山區到乾旱的沙漠,從茂密的森林到廣闊的草原,一起體驗壯觀的陸地動物世界吧!Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Christmas Island with the red crab. Stay clear of the kangaroo's powerful kick. And swing in the treetops with the white-handed gibbon! From icy mountains to arid deserts, and from dense forests to open grasslands, experience the spectacular world of land animals as never before!
《World of Science 科學世界》透過全彩的生動漫畫,激發孩子對科學主題的興趣。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱。書中結合擴增實境(AR)增強學習的互動與體驗,書中生動的3D立體人物對話、動物叫聲、植物型態,加上遊戲及小測驗,讓家長與孩子一同享受邊遊戲邊學習的樂趣。*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。第一輯,共
《發現與發明歷險記》身歷其境接觸對對我們生活產生巨大影響的重要發現和發明。是誰想出協助盲人閱讀的方法?萊特兄弟是如何讓他們的夢想起飛的?超越蛋(Beyond Eggs)是什麼?了解拱門如何穩定建築物。透過雷文霍克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek)的顯微鏡觀察微觀生物;並從蔡倫的堅持不懈中得到啟發。從馬車到無人駕駛汽車,從X射線到魚菜共生系統,以前所未有的方式體驗世界上偉大發現和發明背後的創造力。Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions is an immersive encounter with important discoveries and inventions that have made a great impact on our lives. Who came up with a way to help the blind read? How did the Wright brothers make their dreams take flight? What are Beyond Eggs? Learn how arches can stabilise buildings. Observe the microworld through van Leeuwenhoek's microscope. And be inspired by Cai Lun's perseverance. From horse carriages to driverless cars, and from x-rays to aquaponics systems, experience the creativity behind some of the world's great discoveries and inventions as never before!
《發現與發明歷險記》身歷其境接觸對對我們生活產生巨大影響的重要發現和發明。是誰想出協助盲人閱讀的方法?萊特兄弟是如何讓他們的夢想起飛的?超越蛋(Beyond Eggs)是什麼?了解拱門如何穩定建築物。透過雷文霍克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek)的顯微鏡觀察微觀生物;並從蔡倫的堅持不懈中得到啟發。從馬車到無人駕駛汽車,從X射線到魚菜共生系統,以前所未有的方式體驗世界上偉大發現和發明背後的創造力。Adventures with Discoveries and Inventions is an immersive encounter with important discoveries and inventions that have made a great impact on our lives. Who came up with a way to help the blind read? How did the Wright brothers make their dreams take flight? What are Beyond Eggs? Learn how arches can stabilise buildings. Observe the microworld through van Leeuwenhoek's microscope. And be inspired by Cai Lun's perseverance. From horse carriages to driverless cars, and from x-rays to aquaponics systems, experience the creativity behind some of the world's great discoveries and inventions as never before!
《有用的植物和真菌歷險記》身歷其境的接觸多種的植物和真菌,以及它們在我們生活中的用途。為什麼紅樹林會有如此獨特的根系?我們可以用什麼植物來驅趕蚊子?我們如何從蘑菇中獲取皮革?漫步在色彩斑斕的羽扇豆(又稱魯冰花)的花田中;在森林中尋找靈芝與蘑菇;觀察小小的水草。從開花的植物到不開花的植物,從森林到廣闊的田野,以前所未有的方式體驗植物和真菌的壯觀世界。Adventures with Useful Plants and Fungi is an immersive encounter with many more species of plants and fungi and their usefulness in our lives. Why do mangrove trees have such unique roots? What plants can we use to repel mosquitoes? How do we get leather from mushrooms? Stroll through the colourful fields of lupin flowers. Search the forest for reishi mushrooms. Observe the tiny watermeal plants. From the flowering to the non-flowering plants, from the forests to open fields, experience with spectacular world of plants and fungi as never before!
《瀕危動物歷險記》身歷其境的接觸超過15種獨特的生物,而他們有可能永遠消失在我們的世界。為什麼丹頂鶴會跳舞?巴西三帶犰狳能變成一顆球?為什麼北海狗的數量在不斷減少?與世界上最大的魚類--鯨鯊一起游泳;欣賞稀有而美麗的白鱀豚;在京那岸巴當河與婆羅洲象一起玩耍;從冰冷的海水到竹林,從熱帶森林到自然保護區,以前所未有的方式認識這些難以捉摸的瀕危生物!Adventures with Endangered Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 15 unique creatures in danger of being lost to our world forever. Why do red-crowned cranes dance? How is the Brazilian three-banded armadillo able to turn into a ball? Why are the northern fur seals decreasing in number? Swim with the world's largest fish, the whale shark. Admire the rare and beautiful baiji. And play with the Borneo elephants in the Kinabatangan River. From the freezing ocean waters to bamboo forests, and from tropical forests to nature reserves, experience these elusive endangered creatures as never before!
《與更多材料一起冒險》沉浸式接觸天然和合成材料及其迷人特性的。鳳梨如何能製成衣服?蜂蠟只適合蜜蜂使用嗎?是什麼讓鉑金有這麼多用途與珍貴?發現竹炭的多功能性;踏入熱變色的繽紛世界。並目睹新型態環保膠料「Shrilk」製作背後的創意! 從烏木森林到蜂巢,從餐廳廚房到每個人的家中,以前所未有的方式體驗材料的用途!Adventures with More Materials is an immersive encounter with natural and synthetic materials, and their fascinating properties. How can pineapples be turned into clothes? Is beeswax only meant for bees? What makes platinum so useful and precious? Discover the versatility of bamboo charcoal. Step into the colourful world of thermochromism. And witness the creativity behind the making of Shrilk! From forests of ebony trees to bee hives, and from restaurant kitchens to your own homes, experience the usefulness of materials as never before!
《World of Science 科學世界》系列有趣的內容,能吸引孩子從樂趣中學習,同時透過充滿活力的全彩漫畫增進科學知識、培養對科學的熱愛。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱,並具有延伸內容,拓展小讀者的好奇心與科學思維。The World of Science engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.
《與更多自然奇觀一起冒險》讓我們一起身歷其境的接觸世界上許多令人讚嘆的自然奇觀。你在哪裡可以找到會唱歌的沙子?是什麼讓舞草跳起舞來?墨西哥跳豆真的會跳動嗎?攀登岩石斜坡到挪威著名的聖壇岩;驚嘆於奈卡礦的水晶;和數以百萬計的水母一起漂流;從粉紅色的沙灘到冒著泡泡的泥漿池,從陡峭的懸崖到海洋深處,體驗前所未有並令人敬畏的自然奇觀Adventures with More Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with even more breathtaking natural wonders of our world. Where can you find singing sand? What makes the telegraph plant dance? Do Mexican jumping beans really jump? Scale a rocky slope to Pulpit Rock. Be awed by the crystals of Naica Mine. And drift about with millions of jellyfish. From the pink sandy beaches to bubbling mud pools, and from steep cliffs to the depths of the ocean, experience awe-inspiring natural wonders as never before!
《有用的植物和真菌歷險記》身歷其境的接觸多種的植物和真菌,以及它們在我們生活中的用途。為什麼紅樹林會有如此獨特的根系?我們可以用什麼植物來驅趕蚊子?我們如何從蘑菇中獲取皮革?漫步在色彩斑斕的羽扇豆(又稱魯冰花)的花田中;在森林中尋找靈芝與蘑菇;觀察小小的水草。從開花的植物到不開花的植物,從森林到廣闊的田野,以前所未有的方式體驗植物和真菌的壯觀世界。Adventures with Useful Plants and Fungi is an immersive encounter with many more species of plants and fungi and their usefulness in our lives. Why do mangrove trees have such unique roots? What plants can we use to repel mosquitoes? How do we get leather from mushrooms? Stroll through the colourful fields of lupin flowers. Search the forest for reishi mushrooms. Observe the tiny watermeal plants. From the flowering to the non-flowering plants, from the forests to open fields, experience with spectacular world of plants and fungi as never before!
《與更多自然奇觀一起冒險》讓我們一起身歷其境的接觸世界上許多令人讚嘆的自然奇觀。你在哪裡可以找到會唱歌的沙子?是什麼讓舞草跳起舞來?墨西哥跳豆真的會跳動嗎?攀登岩石斜坡到挪威著名的聖壇岩;驚嘆於奈卡礦的水晶;和數以百萬計的水母一起漂流;從粉紅色的沙灘到冒著泡泡的泥漿池,從陡峭的懸崖到海洋深處,體驗前所未有並令人敬畏的自然奇觀Adventures with More Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with even more breathtaking natural wonders of our world. Where can you find singing sand? What makes the telegraph plant dance? Do Mexican jumping beans really jump? Scale a rocky slope to Pulpit Rock. Be awed by the crystals of Naica Mine. And drift about with millions of jellyfish. From the pink sandy beaches to bubbling mud pools, and from steep cliffs to the depths of the ocean, experience awe-inspiring natural wonders as never before!
在本書中身歷其境地接觸世界上20多種特別的自然現象!現存最大的貓科動物是什麼?地球上最令人印象深刻的瀑布在哪裡呢?是什麼讓海洋在黑暗中發光?一起登上吉力馬札羅山的山頂;跟著神話找尋的愛爾蘭巨人的蹤跡;乘坐熱氣球飛越土耳其的卡帕多西亞。從奇異的動物到神奇的天氣現象,從微小的沙粒到高聳的地理風貌,一起體驗前所未有並令人嘆為觀止的自然世界!Adventures with Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with more than 20 natural phenomena that deserve special mention. Which is the world's largest living feline? Where are the most impressive waterfalls on Earth? What makes the oceans glow in the dark? Climb to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Follow the trail of a mythical Irish giant. And glide over Cappadocia in a hot-air balloon. From animal oddities to weird weather effects, and tiny grains of sand to towering geographical landforms, experience the breathtaking natural world as never before!
身歷其境地與20位歷史上最具影響力人物近距離接觸!「鐵道之父」史蒂芬森(George Stephenson)的發明是如何帶來進步?誰的想像力給了我們經典小說《西遊記》?上個世紀美國護士克拉拉.巴頓(Clara Barton)給這個世界留下了什麼遺產?哈雷彗星又是如何被發現的?通過查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin)的眼睛觀察生物、被海倫凱勒驚人決心與毅力所啟發。從早期的航海者到第一個登上月球的人,讓我們一起以前所未有的方式體驗世界偉人不凡的勇氣!Adventures with Great Minds is an immersive encounter with 20 of history's most influential people. How did George Stephenson's invention bring progress? Whose imagination gave us the Chinese classic, Journey to the West? What legacy did Clara Barton leave? Learn how Halley's Comet was discovered. Observe living things through the eyes of Charles Darwin. And be inspired by Helen Keller's determination. From early ocean navigators to the first man to walk on the moon, experience the genius and grit of the world's great minds as never before!
《World of Science 科學世界》透過全彩的生動漫畫,激發孩子對科學主題的興趣。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱。 書中結合擴增實境(AR)增強學習的互動與體驗,書中生動的3D立體人物對話、動物叫聲、植物型態,加上遊戲及小測驗,讓家長與孩子一同享受邊遊戲邊學習的樂趣。本系列特點:˙生動的全彩漫畫將吸引所有小讀者,同時也包括那些原本對科學不感興趣的小朋友。˙涵蓋了多元主題,提供獨特兼具教育與娛樂的綜合性科學教材。˙本系列漫畫與科學雜誌不同,不根據各冊主題更改書中架構及視覺設計,其一致性的整體風格與內容架構,多年來深受市場肯定,並使讀者更能深入認識主題與有效地學習。˙擴增實境(VR)的加入增強書中的互動性和體驗元素,透過動畫、3D人物、遊戲化和測驗,讓這系列套書在市場上獨樹一幟,其教育價值吸引家長,並深受喜歡邊學習邊娛樂的孩子們的歡迎。*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。 第二輯,共5冊:1. 了解事物運作的歷險記2. 偉大思想歷險記3. 與爬行動物和兩棲動物歷險記4. 與陸地動物的歷險記5. 自然奇觀歷險記The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. In this set of five books, the titles are:Adventures with How Things WorkAdventures
身歷其境地與20位歷史上最具影響力人物近距離接觸!「鐵道之父」史蒂芬森(George Stephenson)的發明是如何帶來進步?誰的想像力給了我們經典小說《西遊記》?上個世紀美國護士克拉拉.巴頓(Clara Barton)給這個世界留下了什麼遺產?哈雷彗星又是如何被發現的?通過查爾斯.達爾文(Charles Darwin)的眼睛觀察生物、被海倫凱勒驚人決心與毅力所啟發。從早期的航海者到第一個登上月球的人,讓我們一起以前所未有的方式體驗世界偉人不凡的勇氣!Adventures with Great Minds is an immersive encounter with 20 of history's most influential people. How did George Stephenson's invention bring progress? Whose imagination gave us the Chinese classic, Journey to the West? What legacy did Clara Barton leave? Learn how Halley's Comet was discovered. Observe living things through the eyes of Charles Darwin. And be inspired by Helen Keller's determination. From early ocean navigators to the first man to walk on the moon, experience the genius and grit of the world's great minds as never before!
在本書中身歷其境地接觸世界上20多種特別的自然現象!現存最大的貓科動物是什麼?地球上最令人印象深刻的瀑布在哪裡呢?是什麼讓海洋在黑暗中發光?一起登上吉力馬札羅山的山頂;跟著神話找尋的愛爾蘭巨人的蹤跡;乘坐熱氣球飛越土耳其的卡帕多西亞。從奇異的動物到神奇的天氣現象,從微小的沙粒到高聳的地理風貌,一起體驗前所未有並令人嘆為觀止的自然世界!Adventures with Natural Wonders is an immersive encounter with more than 20 natural phenomena that deserve special mention. Which is the world's largest living feline? Where are the most impressive waterfalls on Earth? What makes the oceans glow in the dark? Climb to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Follow the trail of a mythical Irish giant. And glide over Cappadocia in a hot-air balloon. From animal oddities to weird weather effects, and tiny grains of sand to towering geographical landforms, experience the breathtaking natural world as never before!