The sequel to Unforgettable Days - Abbra, Serena and Gabrielle three women with nothing in common except the Vietnam War are reunited in Saigon where each embarks on a search for her missing husband.
The grass is always greener . . . - Polly wonders how she managed to capture husband Seth, and frets over her inability to give him the family he wants. A few doors away, her friend Ginnie is bored. H
Roman Britain, 208 AD - Emperor Septimius Severus has arrived in Britain to conquer the barbarians in the north of the island. Memnon, an African scout, comes to Britain with his cavalry unit. When he
The latest in the Marsh & Daughter mystery series - Who was Lance Venyon? Curiosity over a memorial plaque in an old Kentish church sets wheelchair-bound ex-cop Peter Marsh and his daughter Georgi
Can the Mediterranean be saved from the Fascists? - Hot-headed Catalan Angles fought against the Fascists in Spain before joining the British Commandos. In 1941, Naval Intelligence Commander Ian Flemi