Japan and Okinawa provides an up-to-date, coherent and theoretically informed examination of Okinawa from the perspective of political economy and society. It combines a focus on structure and subject
North Korea’s contemporary relations with Japan have been fraught with tension. Tactics employed by Pyongyang have included abductions of Japanese citizens, missile launches over Japanese territory, i
This book provides a history of Nikkeiren (the Japanese Federation of Managers' Organisations) and an account of post-war capitalist development in Japan. The author challenges the principal interpret
Since the 1990s, questions of Japanese wartime conduct, apologies for aggression, and compensation to former victims of the country’s imperial policies, have been brought to the fore of national and r
Contemporary relations between Greater China and Japan have been conditioned both by differing responses to the impact of Western colonialism during the mid-nineteenth century and the legacy of the Co
The Political Economy of Japanese Globalisation reveals the key dimensions of Japanese globalisation today by analysing both its inward and outward manifestations. This is the first book to examine f
Leading specialists from Europe and Japan examine the institutional mechanisms of governance at the global level and provide concrete evidence of the role Japan plays in these institutions. An excelle
A high degree of cultural and racial homogeneity has long been associated with Japan, with its political discourse and with the lexicon of post-war Japanese scholarship. This book examines underlying
Tanji (Asian research, Murdock U., Australia) begins by describing how Okinawans, part of the separate Ryukyo kingdom until the 19th century, have been occupied, economically deprived, and systematica
Japan’s unusual position in the realm of international politics encapsulates a three-fold juxtaposition: both in and out of Asia, both occupied by and a key ally of the US, and both a key trade partne
Scandals and failures in some of the best known international Japanese-owned companies have shown that there is sometimes a considerable difference between the public and internal narratives of Japane
This book examines the involvement of five civil society actors in the struggle over remembering and addressing the wartime past in Japan today. War memory is still a hugely controversial subject in J
"Since the early 1990s, there has been an emphasis in international relations theory on the shift from a Cold War rationality of 'threat', to a post-Cold War rationality of 'risk'. However, in Risk a
"North Korea's contemporary relations with Japan have been fraught with tension. Tactics employed by Pyongyang have included abductions of Japanese citizens, missile launches over Japanese territory,
The latest edition of this comprehensive and user-friendly textbook provides a single volume resource for all those studying Japan's international relations. It offers a clear and concise introduction
Since the end of the Cold War, Japan's security environment has changed significantly. While the United States is still Japan's most important security partner, the nature of the partnership has chang
Extensive news coverage of humanitarian crises, especially on television, has led to a strong public awareness of the importance of humanitarian activities. This innovative book examines the evolution
Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a significant change in Japanese security policy, as Japan’s security identity has shifted from a peace state, to an international state. In this book, Bh
Despite flourishing economic interactions and deepening interdependence, the current political and diplomatic relationship between Japan and China remains lukewarm at best. Indeed, bilateral relations