Medieval fields have been studied by historians, historical geographers and archaeologists for well over a century, and yet very few accurate accounts are readily available. David Hall gives a detaile
Tells the story of how the Romans coped with the most serious threat to their hold on Britain and explains the important contribution archaeology has made towards understanding the revolt.
This book examines some of the most spectacular ancient monuments in Britain - the iron age brochs of north and west Scotland. It sets the building of these unique fortifications into context and exam
Accessible to archaeological experts and students alike, PJ Casey's Roman Coinage in Britain is a fascinating investigation of the Roman Empire's economic presence in Britain. Drawing from a wealth of
Archaeology is often thought of as being concerned with the material remains of previous groups of people; traditionally only their monuments and their artefacts have been studied. However, another as
Ring-headed crosses of impressive height and intricate design were first erected in Iona and Ireland from the eighth century onwards. This book deals with these but also shows how they were the culmin