In his sensitive portrayal of the Raramuri (or Tarahumara) Indians, Merrill examines the ways in which a society, lacking formal educational institutions, produces and transmits its basic knowledge ab
Focusing on deep conflicts between the medical establishment and the working class, Martha Balshem chronicles a health education project in “Tannerstown,” a pseudonym for a blue-collar neighborhood in
Kapferer (anthropology, U. of Bergen, Norway) argues that nationalist ideology can distort and skew what are otherwise diverse sociocultural possibilities in potentially disastrous directions for huma
Drawing on both their own fieldwork from 1991 to 1999 and older written sources, Stewart and Strathern explore how the Duna have remade their rituals and associated myths in response to the outside in
Originating in a symposium at the Society of American Archaeology in New Orleans, 1996, the eleven papers presented here explore the past, present and future of surveys and settlement pattern studi
Drawing on both their own fieldwork from 1991 to 1999 and older written sources, Stewart and Strathern explore how the Duna have remade their rituals and associated myths in response to the outside in