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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:R‧莫瑞‧薛佛  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2017/07/04 裝訂:平裝
你的耳朵有在聽嗎?你有多久不曾好好聆聽周遭的聲音?聆聽其實需要刻意練習,100種指引你專注傾聽的習作,帶你重新建立對世界以及自己的認識。  閉上眼睛三十秒,寫下你聽到的十種聲音,試著為這些聲音分類,哪些是人體發出的聲音、哪些是大自然發出的聲音;有規律或沒規律? 你能想出一些好聽的聲音,但聲音來源在視覺上卻不怎麼吸引人的情況嗎? 試著想出不好聽但來源卻很美觀的聲音
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
作者:楊雨樵  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2024/08/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Dance with the Unicorns (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ana Martin Larranaga  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/06/23 裝訂:音效書
Are you ready to do the unicorn dance? This magical novelty book is guaranteed to get little children moving. It features a different group of dancing unicorns on each page, with a lively tune for children to dance along to. The inviting text explains one very simple dance move to go with each tune, and then at the end they put them all together and do the whole dance while the unicorns neigh and sparkle.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
作者:里克‧維爾斯  出版社:易博士  出版日:2023/01/05 裝訂:平裝
一句經典對白,足以撼動觀眾的心靈,化剎那為永恆。在無數好萊塢電影導演眼中,對白就是凝聚情緒和駕馭劇情的一切。對白的情緒張力,只存在於拍板敲下,演員全心全意投入、詮釋角色的拍攝現場。現場收錄缺失,後製完全無法彌補。亦即,現場錄音只有唯一的一次機會,而且只許成功。現場錄音師為此無不如臨大敵,事前200%做足準備,收錄過程中隨時解決各種突發狀況,同時酷酷的面不改色,務求把原汁原味的對白乾淨、一致且清晰地完好錄下。然而,在充滿挑戰的拍攝現場,除了要配合演員動作和攝影機運鏡,還要因應場景中四面八方的聲音、時間與製作成本,及種種不確定條件的限制……,沒有充分技術與靈活的應變能力,就無法勝任。作者從事現場錄音工作逾20年,與美國各大電視網 NBC、CBS、ABC、ESPN、HBO及影業巨頭環球、迪士尼均有密切合作往來。參與作品跨足電影、影集、電視節目、新聞報導、實境秀、廣告、演唱會、運動賽事、音樂錄影帶和電玩遊戲等類型。他以深入淺出的幽默口吻,通盤介紹進行現場錄音必備的聲學須知、收音器材特色說明與應用技巧、現場錄音環節「收音→錄音→同步→混音→監聽」的工作要點,以及寶貴的錄音師生存指南「錄音十誡」,完整傳授娛樂產業聲音部門最實用的技能與態度養成。在影視作品和網路影片蓬勃生產的年代,本書致力引領相關從業人員追求自然、細膩的聆聽品質。而這也正是吸住觀眾目光、保證高收視率與好口碑的硬道理。本書特色● 全球最大的獨立音效提供商20 年經驗「現場錄音十誡」大公開● 電影、電視、新聞採訪、演唱會、實況轉播、廣告……涵蓋範圍廣● 收音→錄音→同步→混音→ 監聽, 完全掌握「訊號流程」● 吊桿式、領夾式、隱藏式麥克風特色 X 挑選 X 設置 X 使用示範● 以錄下乾淨、一致、清晰對白為目標,順利銜接後期的PRO 級操作打開本書,你將學會好萊塢現場錄音師的專業技能:PART 1》建立觀念什麼是現場錄音? 基礎聲學PART 2》3種收音麥克風介紹使用方法麥克風的基本概念現場錄音麥克風吊桿麥克風的舉桿技巧領夾式麥克風別麥技巧無線電系統隱藏式麥克風的使用方法麥克風的挑選方法PART 3》訊號流程4大環節訊號流程混音機同步混音器監聽PART 4》裝備確認電力供應打包你的聲音裝備PART 5》業界現場工作須知現場錄音十誡應用實例現場工作禮儀關於娛樂
定價:1300 元, 優惠價:9 1170
Dance with the Giraffes (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ana Martin Larranaga  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/07/06 裝訂:硬頁書
Press the button on each double-page of this sound book... then get ready to dance! The giraffes are joined by their friends the zebras, crocodiles and lions, and each group of animals teaches you a very simple dance move to copy. At the end, you put it all together and do the whole dance.A perfect way for babies and toddlers to get active and have fun!
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Was That Your Bottom, Dinosaur? (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ana Martin Larranaga  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/10/12 裝訂:音效書
Press the buttons in this hilarious sound book to hear just how noisy a dinosaur's bottom can be! With fun rhyming text and lively illustrations by the brilliant Ana Martin Larranaga, giggles are guaranteed. On the first four pages you meet a different parping dinosaur, and then at the end, just when you thought it couldn't get any funnier, they all let rip at once.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Sing-along Nursery Rhymes
作者:Sam Taplin  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/10/24 裝訂:音效書
Press the buttons in this delightfully illustrated book and get ready to join in with five of the best-loved nursery rhymes.Are you ready to sing? Join in with five of the best-loved nursery rhymes.When you press each button in this charming book you'll hear a nursery rhyme for you to sing along to. You can follow the words on the page as you listen, while enjoying the endearing scenes of animal characters, including Cat who is singing all the rhymes!Songs include Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, London Bridge is Falling Down and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 535
Sleepytime Music Book (音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Polly Noakes  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:音效書
There are five gentle classical tunes to snuggle up with in this beautifully illustrated book. Whatever time of day it is, the enchanting animal artwork and tranquil music are a perfect way to lull little children into a peaceful sleep. Join Basil the Badger as he takes his piano to lots of different places, and makes new friends along the way by playing magical music.
庫存 > 10
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
圖解音控全書修訂版:從基礎理論到現場應用實踐,第一本徹底解說Live Sound現場混音技術美學
作者:小瀨高夫; 須藤浩  出版社:易博士  出版日:2024/01/20 裝訂:平裝
全新改版:1.更新相關法規最新資訊2.大幅替換最新器材設備案例及說明圖片--集結美日30年實務經驗、成就無數完美舞台演出專業音控師教你全方位養成實力,獨當一面,開創音樂工作的英雄之路 演唱會上聽到的不是主唱、樂手原本發出的聲音?為什麼音控師總是那樣專注、神氣又帥氣!從店內的小型演出、到幾十萬人的戶外演唱會,一場精彩的舞台演出,少不了專業的音控師。結合聲音學、電學、音響器材的專業知識、及音樂美學講究,不僅需克服環境條件的限制,更需臨機應變突發狀況,讓LIVE現場完美呈現、無懈可擊。本書兩位作者在業界超過數十年的現場音控實務經歷,參與過日本、美國眾多知名樂手現場音控與專輯混音工程,類型遍及偶像歌手、爵士、搖滾樂、古典音樂、歌劇、演歌等,並在音樂專門學校累積了豐富的授課經驗。本書以簡明易懂的圖表和文字,介紹實際工作中息息相關的基礎原理、器材機能、現場設置實例和應用等知識,呈現音控業界最完整實用的圖像。 本書特色:.音控師、樂手、錄音師、製作人、編曲者都實用,涵蓋性廣泛.圖解基礎理論和相關器材,拆解8種不同類型規模的音控實務技巧.4大類PA圖表,讓前置作業順暢,現場操作更精準效率.音控師的一日概述,輕鬆掌握各環節工作流程和眉角 打開本書,你將學到專業音控人的必備知識和技能:1.理論面:理解國中程度的聲音和電學原理,讓你在不同音控現場做出最正確快速的應變處理。2.器材面:音響器材╱線材與接頭╱數位音控器材應用,讓你扎實基本功並提升機器操作技能。3.現場操作及實踐面:(1)前置作業:線路表╱現場配置圖╱工作協調表╱器材清單等4大類圖表。(2)8種不同規模類型:喇叭系統╱控台╱外接效果器╱現場注意事項等。(3)器材連接和設置:連接各種機器時的小祕訣╱器材的設置。(4)現場應用:回授音防止法╱監聽音控師的重要性╱音響工程師的一天。
定價:900 元, 優惠價:9 810
Things That Go Sound Book (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Federica Iossa  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:音效書
Little children will love pressing the buttons in this delightfully illustrated book to hear trucks, cars, boats, buses, tractors and trains come to life. The busy scenes are full of endearing animal characters and there are holes in the pages to peep through as well as finger-trails for little fingers to follow.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Little Christmas Sound Book (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Jo Rooks  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/10/12 裝訂:音效書
Little children will love pressing the buttons in this delightful little book to hear five sounds that conjure up the Christmas spirit. From jingling bells to roaring fires and reindeer whooshing through the sky, the festive sounds and beautiful scenes make it a perfect stocking filler. There are presents to spot on every page too.
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:68 298
Dance with the Elves (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ana Martin Larranaga  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/10/27 裝訂:音效書
Little children will love bouncing around to the Christmas music in this irresistible sound book. Little children will love bouncing around to the Christmas music in this irresistible sound book. As well as dancing elves, there are reindeer and Christmas fairies having a boogie - and even Santa himself gets his dancing boots on! With one very simple "move" to copy on each page, and toe-tapping disco arrangements of well-loved festive tunes, this is a perfect way to hop, twirl and waggle yourself into the Christmas spirit.
庫存 > 10
定價:714 元, 優惠價:73 521
Bird Sounds (硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Federica Iossa  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2020/04/02 裝訂:音效書
Little children will love pressing the buttons on the pages of this charmingly illustrated book to hear a world of beautiful birdsong come to life. From a nest of blackbird chicks tweeting to the honk
庫存 > 10
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Usboren Slider Sound Books Vroom!/ Roarr!/ Rummble!/ Wooof! (推拉音效書)(共4本)
出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/05/02 裝訂:硬頁書
9781803706443 Roarr! Slider Sound BooksEach time you move one of the sliders in this unique novelty book, a jungle animal springs into view and makes a fun sound. But there's more! Move the same slider back again, and you'll see and hear a completely different animal. Babies and toddlers will love moving the sliders back and forth to enjoy all the jungle animals in this delightfully illustrated book - the first in an exciting new series.9781803707358 Vroom! Slider Sound BooksMove the sliders back and forth to hear the different vehicles zooming along in this unique and exciting sound book. When you move a slider one way you'll see and hear one vehicle... and when you move it back the other way you'll see and hear another one.There are planes, trains, cars, motorbikes and buses to discover, all driven by Ailie Busby's charming animal characters.9781805314578 Slider Sound Books: Rummble!Move the sliders back and forth in this unique sound book to hear the building site
定價:2856 元, 優惠價:75 2142
Usborne Noisy Books 大自然音效書 1-Wild Animals/Dinosaur/Seashore (共3本硬頁音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Federica Iossa  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/10/28 裝訂:音效書
9781474991803 Wild Animals Sound Book (硬頁音效書)9781474976732 Dinosaur Sounds (硬頁音效書)9781474990042 Seashore Sounds (硬頁音效書)
庫存 > 10
定價:2142 元, 優惠價:75 1607
Lights and Sounds Planes and Helicopters (燈光音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Kathryn Selbert  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/06/06 裝訂:音效書
From an old-fashioned biplane taking off to a helicopter flying over a canyon, there are all kinds of exciting flying machines to discover in this novelty book... and when you press the button on each page you can hear each one and switch on its lights. The charmingly illustrated animal pilots are shown landing a sea plane on the water, guiding a jet airliner through the clouds and wowing the crowds with a spectacular acrobatic display at the end.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Slider Sound Books: Roarr! (推拉音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ailie Busby  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/03/30 裝訂:音效書
Each time you move one of the sliders in this unique novelty book, a jungle animal springs into view and makes a fun sound. But there's more! Move the same slider back again, and you'll see and hear a completely different animal. Babies and toddlers will love moving the sliders back and forth to enjoy all the jungle animals in this delightfully illustrated book - the first in an exciting new series.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:75 536
Usboren Slider Sound Books Vroom!/ Roarr!/ Rummble!/ (硬頁書)(共3本)
出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2024/01/04 裝訂:音效書
9781803706443 Roarr! Slider Sound BooksEach time you move one of the sliders in this unique novelty book, a jungle animal springs into view and makes a fun sound. But there's more! Move the same slider back again, and you'll see and hear a completely different animal. Babies and toddlers will love moving the sliders back and forth to enjoy all the jungle animals in this delightfully illustrated book - the first in an exciting new series.9781803707358 Vroom! Slider Sound BooksMove the sliders back and forth to hear the different vehicles zooming along in this unique and exciting sound book. When you move a slider one way you'll see and hear one vehicle... and when you move it back the other way you'll see and hear another one.There are planes, trains, cars, motorbikes and buses to discover, all driven by Ailie Busby's charming animal characters.9781805314578 Slider Sound Books: Rummble!Move the sliders back and forth in this unique sound book to hear the building site
定價:2142 元, 優惠價:75 1607
My First World Sound Atlas:My First Sound Atlas
出版社:YoYo Books  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:精裝
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
My First Animal Sound Atlas:My First Sound Atlas
出版社:YoYo Books  出版日:2024/11/07 裝訂:精裝
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
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