This monograph gives a state-of-the-art and accessible treatment of a new general higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions, valid for arbitrary bounded subsets of Euclidean spaces, as well as f
This is an introduction to scattering phenomena and a guide to the technical requirements for investigating wave scattering problems. It reviews the principal mathematical topics required for approac
This book gives a compact exposition of the fundamentals of the theory of locally convex topological vector spaces. Furthermore it contains a survey of the most important results of a more subtle natu
This book provides an overview of the main approaches used to analyze the dynamics of cellular automata. Cellular automata are an indispensable tool in mathematical modeling. In contrast to classical
The book describes developments on some well-known problems regarding the relationship between orders of finite groups and that of their automorphism groups. It is broadly divided into three parts: th
The book is aimed at people working in number theory or at least interested in this part of mathematics. It presents the development of the theory of algebraic numbers up to the year 1950 and contains
The purpose of this book is to describe the theory of Hankel operators, one of the most important classes of operators on spaces of analytic func tions. Hankel operators can be defined as operators h
This book provides an introduction to the ergodic theory and topological dynamics of actions of countable groups. It is organized around the theme of probabilistic and combinatorial independence, and
The problems of conditional optimization of the uniform (or C-) norm for polynomials and rational functions arise in various branches of science and technology. Their numerical solution is notoriously
This exposition provides the state-of-the art on the differential geometry of hypersurfaces in real, complex, and quaternionic space forms. Special emphasis is placed on isoparametric and Dupin hypers
This book, which is based on several courses of lectures given by the author at the Independent University of Moscow, is devoted to Sobolev-type spaces and boundary value problems for linear elliptic
This is an advanced book on modular forms. While there are many books published about modular forms, they are written at an elementary level, and not so interesting from the viewpoint of a reader who
This is the revised and enlarged 2nd edition of the authors’ original text, which was intended to be a modest complement to Grenander's fundamental memoir on stochastic processes and related inference
This self-contained monograph explores a new theory centered around boolean representations of simplicial complexes leading to a class of complexes and featuring matroids as central to the theory. The
The study of surfaces with constant mean curvature (CMC) is one of the main topics in classical differential geometry. Moreover, CMC surfaces are important mathematical models for the physics of inter
This book is a concept-oriented treatment of the structure theory of association schemes. The generalization of Sylow's group theoretic theorems to scheme theory arises as a consequence of arithmetica
This modern approach to homological algebra by two leading writers in the field is based on the systematic use of the language and ideas of derived categories and derived functors. It describes relati
The 1963 Gottingen notes of T. A. Springer are well known in the field but have been unavailable for some time. This book is a translation of those notes, completely updated and revised. The part of t
This book offers an introduction into projective geometry. The first part presents n-dimensional projective geometry over an arbitrary skew field; the real, the complex, and the quaternionic geometrie
This book, now in a thoroughly revised second edition, provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to modern set theory.Following an overview of basic notions in combinatorics and first-order