An interdisciplinary study of postmodern ethics and literary criticism from the perspective of Chan/Seon/Zen Buddhism, this book combines the tradition of Western metaphysics and its contact with Asia
Although there are various studies comparing Greek and Indian philosophy and religion, and Chinese and Western philosophy and religion,Brahman and Dao: Comparatives Studies in Indian and Chinese Philo
An interdisciplinary study of postmodern ethics and literary criticism from the perspective of Chan/Seon/Zen Buddhism, this book combines the tradition of Western metaphysics and its contact with Asia
This book is a cross-cultural intervention in analytic epistemology that offers an alternative to the narrow conception of knowledge as justified true belief. It develops a framework for a comparative
In Nietzsche and Zen: Self-Overcoming without a Self, Andre van der Braak juxtaposes Nietzsche with four influential representatives of the Buddhist Zen tradition: Nagarjuna, Linji, Dogen, and Nishita
"The connections between Greek Pyrrhonism and Indian Madhyamaka are too striking to ignore. Adrian Kuzminski provides welcome attention to the philosophical vision they share and to the arguments Pyrr
This work explores issues in Gandhi scholarship, political theory, and religion. By applying core aspects of Gandhian philosophy to the present age it shows a harmony between commonly taken to be disp
Baldwin and McNabb explore how non-Christian religious traditions can utilize Plantinga’s epistemology. This book pays particular attention to the question, if there are believers from differing
Ethics of Compassion places central themes from Buddhist (primarily) and Christian moral teachings within the conceptual framework of Western normative ethics. What results is a viable alternative eth
This book focuses on the philosophies of Niccolo Machiavelli, theDaodejing, the Han Feizi, and the concepts of Fortune, the Dao,Virtu, Wu-wei, history, leadership, self-cultivation and discipline, and
Sarah A. Mattice develops a comparative intervention in contemporary metaphilosophy. Drawing on resources from hermeneutics, cognitive linguistics, aesthetics, and Chinese philosophy, she explores how
This book argues that the philosophical history of India contains a tradition of skepticism about philosophy represented most clearly by three figures: Nagarjuna, Jayarasi, and Sri Har?a. Furthermore,
Although there are various studies comparing Greek and Indian philosophy and religion, and Chinese and Western philosophy and religion, Brahman and Dao: Comparatives Studies in Indian and Chinese Phil
This book offers an interpretation of the philosophical thought of the ancient Maya, in the classic and postclassic periods. Alexus McLeod adopts philosophical methodology, comparative philosophy, and
This book explores the problem of moral metaphysics through investigations of four pivotal philosophers. It uses the contemporary idea of moral sentimentalism as a comparative category to explore the
Sarah A. Mattice develops a comparative intervention in contemporary metaphilosophy. Drawing on resources from hermeneutics, cognitive linguistics, aesthetics, and Chinese philosophy, she explores how
Referring to the title of Gandhi's (1869-1948) autobiography, Johnson (Germanic languages and peace and conflict studies, Indiana U.-Purdue U.) reviews the Indian activist's life and presents selectio