In antiquity, North Mesopotamia was the centre of the confrontation between different imperial entities. Rome, the Parthians, the Sasanians and the nomads of the region were all agents of a complex se
The topic of children in the Bible has long been under-represented, but this has recently changed with the development of childhood studies in broader fields, and the work of several dedicated scholar
This volume presents Babylon as it has been passed down through Western culture: through the Bible, classical texts, in Medieval travel accounts, and through depictions of the Tower motif in art. It t
In the exploration of the 'first half of history', William W. Hallo shows that modern ideas of urbanism and the formation of capitals were first developed between 5000-300 BC and that aspects of twent
Nebuchadnezzar I (r. 1125-1104) was one of the more significant and successful kings to rule Babylonia in the intervening period between the demise of the Kassite Dynasty in the 12th century at the en
In the Ancient Near East, cutting off someone’s head was a unique act, not comparable to other types of mutilation, and therefore charged with a special symbolic and communicative significance. This b