Old frenemies become staunch allies as the strongest team in the history of Gun Gale is born! This time, LPFM, named for Llenn, Pitohui, Fukaziroh, and M, will enter the third annual Squad Jam and ove
With only two teams remaining in Squad Jam, Karen (a.k.a. Llenn) and M prepare to move in for their final kill...that is, until a sudden barrage of bullets stop them dead in their tracks! Will the two
"The real-world death of Pitohui."This was the sole motivator that pushed Llenn into entering the second Squad Jam. Accompanied by her best friend and ALO transplant, Fukaziroh, the two overcome wave
Though the official announcement of the second Squad Jam has come out, Karen Kohiruimaki barely shows any interest at all, despite being the champion of the first ferocious battle royale. Or at least,