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Terri Grodzicker (EDT)/ David Stewart (EDT)/ Bruce Stillman (EDT) (3)
David Stewart (EDT)/ Bruce Stillman (EDT) (2)
Mark Mcwilliams (EDT) (2)
Adam J. Nolte (EDT)/ Christopher M. Stafford (EDT)/ Teng Li (EDT)/ Pil J. Yoo (EDT)/ John Harding (EDT) (1)
Alexander A. Balandin (1)
Andreas Lendlein (EDT)/ Marc Behl (EDT)/ Yakai Feng (EDT)/ Zhibin Guan (EDT)/ Tao Xie (EDT) (1)
Anna Fontcuberta I Morral (EDT)/ Kornelius Nielsch (EDT)/ Heiner Linke (EDT)/ Hyunjung Shin (EDT)/ Li Shi (EDT) (1)
Baojie Yan (EDT)/ Helena Gleskova (EDT)/ Chuang-chuang Tsai (EDT)/ Toshiyuki Sameshima (EDT)/ J. David Cohen (EDT) (1)
Bogdanov, Alexei,Licha, Kai (1)
C. Pozzilli (EDT)/ P. Pozzilli (EDT)/ J. Kapp (EDT) (1)
Chengmin Zhang (1)
Claudia GutiTrrez-wing (EDT)/ JosT Luis Rodrfguez-l=pez (EDT)/ Olivia A. Graeve (EDT)/ Milton Mu?透-navia (EDT) (1)
Claudia Gutierrez-wing (EDT)/ Olivia A. Graeve (EDT)/ John J. Boeckl (EDT)/ Patrick Soukiassian (EDT) (1)
Cristina H. Mandrini (1)
Debi Prasad Choudhary (1)
Eberhard Nieschlag (EDT)/ S. Nieschlag (EDT)/ Ursula-f. Habenicht (EDT) (1)
Ferenc Horkay (EDT)/ Roger Narayan (EDT)/ Vipul Dave (EDT)/ Sungho Jin (EDT)/ Noshir Langrana (EDT) (1)
G. Baier (EDT)/ B. Schraven (EDT)/ A. V. Bonin (EDT)/ U. Zugel (EDT) (1)
G. Kroemer (EDT)/ D. Mumberg (EDT)/ H. Keun (EDT)/ B. Riefke (EDT)/ T. Steger-Hartmann (EDT)/ K. Petersen (EDT) (1)
Gang Li (EDT)/ Thuc-quyen Nguyen (EDT)/ Dana C. Olson (EDT)/ Moritz Riede (EDT)/ Venkat Bommisetty (EDT) (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (19)
Springer Verlag (13)
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr (6)
J Paul Getty Museum Pubns (3)
David Brown Book Co (2)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K (2)
Univ Pr of Colorado (2)
Cambridge University Press (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Terri Grodzicker (EDT); David Stewart (EDT); Bruce Stillman (EDT)  出版社:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr  出版日:2018/07/31 裝訂:平裝
The 82nd Cold Spring Harbor Symposium focused on Chromosome Segregation & Structure and addressed theenormous progress in our understanding of the nature and behavior of chromosomes during the life cy
作者:Terri Grodzicker (CON); David Stewart (CON); Bruce Stillman (CON)  出版社:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr  出版日:2020/08/31 裝訂:平裝
作者:Terri Grodzicker (EDT); David Stewart (EDT); Bruce Stillman (EDT)  出版社:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr  出版日:2020/08/31 裝訂:精裝
In recent years, funding for the conservation of cultural heritage has become increasingly difficult to obtain, and this trend shows no sign of changing significantly in the foreseeable future. The tw
作者:Rachel Rivenc (EDT); Reinhard Bek (EDT)  出版社:J Paul Getty Museum Pubns  出版日:2018/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Kinetic art not only includes movement but often depends on it to produce an intended effect and therefore fully realize its nature as art. It can take a multiplicity of forms and include a wide range
定價:3900 元, 優惠價:1 3900
作者:Terri Grodzicker (EDT); David Stewart (EDT); Bruce Stillman (EDT)  出版社:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pr  出版日:2018/07/31 裝訂:精裝
The 82nd Cold Spring Harbor Symposium focused on Chromosome Segregation & Structure and addressed theenormous progress in our understanding of the nature and behavior of chromosomes during the life cy
作者:Roy S. Booth  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/08/16 裝訂:精裝
Cosmic masers, naturally occurring amplifiers of microwave emission from atoms and molecules in the Milky Way and other galaxies, provide important tools to investigate astrophysical environments. The first, hydroxyl (OH) masers were discovered in 1965 and since that time several thousand sources of maser emission, from a variety of cosmic molecules, have been discovered and studied. Because this natural emission occurs at discrete frequencies, which depend upon specific atomic or molecular transitions, masers are also useful for studying the structure and dynamics of our own galaxy. Masers in other galaxies are now used for cosmological studies of the dynamics of massive black holes in galactic nuclei and to directly measure the Hubble constant, H0. This volume contains a comprehensive, up-to-date review of cosmic masers, their nature, sources, environments and uses, as presented at IAU Symposium 287, the fourth international symposium on cosmic masers.
作者:Karen Harry; Barbara J. Roth  出版社:Univ Pr of Colorado  出版日:2018/06/01 裝訂:精裝
This volume of proceedings from the fourteenth biennial Southwest Symposium explores different kinds of social interaction that occurred prehistorically across the Southwest. The authors use diverse a
作者:Joeri van Leeuwen  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/06/10 裝訂:精裝
IAU Symposium 291 features a rich harvest of recent scientific discoveries and looks forward to the many exciting avenues for future neutron-star research. The volume starts with general, lively, comprehensive introductions to three main themes that successfully communicate the excitement of current pulsar research. The subsequent reviews and contributions on hot topics cover: ongoing searches for pulsars, both radio and gamma-ray; neutron star formation and properties; binary pulsars; pulsar timing and tests of gravitational theories; magnetars; radio transients; radio, X-ray and gamma-ray pulse properties and emission mechanisms; and future facilities. This range of topics clearly illustrates the diverse nature and wide application of neutron-star research. Through a combination of introductory reviews and practically complete coverage of current results from across the electromagnetic spectrum, IAU S291 is the perfect reference for neutron-star researchers and also provides an
作者:Debi Prasad Choudhary  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/10/31 裝訂:精裝
Celebrating the centenary of George Ellery Hale's discovery of magnetic fields in sunspots, IAU Symposium 273 reviews the recent advances made in the fields of solar and stellar magnetism. Sunspots are responsible for the time-varying properties of the Sun, including the solar irradiance. Combined study of the spots on the Sun and on other stars provides a greater understanding of sunspot formation and behaviour on a long-term basis. On the other hand, stellar observations can be best understood by using detailed properties of the Sun as a reference point. This volume contains reviews and research articles from solar and stellar astronomers on the recent findings of solar and stellar magnetism using observational, theoretical and simulation studies of the Sun and the stars to approach the subject in a unified manner. Its findings are useful to advanced students and researchers in solar and stellar astronomy.
作者:J. L. R. Sil (EDT); J. R. Trujeque (EDT); A. V. Castro (EDT)  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/10/31 裝訂:精裝
This volume of proceedings is published by the Materials Research Society and Cambridge University Press, and it is the first one to bear the title Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Issues in Mater
作者:Vibor Jelić  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Several Epoch of Reionization (EoR) experiments, for example, LOFAR, MWA and PAPER, are currently under way and producing results. These very deep observations not only set constraints on when and where the first sources formed in the early Universe and began (re)ionizing the predominantly neutral all-pervasive intergalactic medium, but they also provide high-quality data for cutting edge auxiliary foreground science. Obviously studying the physical origin of the foreground emission, whether Galactic or extragalactic, is a very exciting field in its own right and is of fundamental importance for perfecting the foreground removal techniques in the cosmological experiments. These proceedings of IAU S333 address both topics through giving the clearest and widest possible view on the EoR; presenting the state-of-the-art foreground science; and discussing challenges of upcoming and planned radio facilities such as HERA and SKA.
作者:Michael G. Burton  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/04/08 裝訂:精裝
The remarkable environment of Antarctica offers many advantages for astronomical observations. Over the past two decades this field of scientific endeavour has developed dramatically and Antarctic-based observatories now regularly contribute to front line astrophysical research. This volume presents the Proceedings from the first ever International Astronomical Union Symposium to be held on the subject. After describing our knowledge of the special environment for Antarctic astronomy, it covers the following principal science areas: measuring the cosmic microwave background radiation; neutrino detection; cosmogenic signatures from the ice and atmosphere; submillimetre and terahertz astronomy; and optical and infrared astronomy. Each topic begins with reviews covering the field and the science being undertaken in it, followed by descriptions of the experiments, the telescopes and the results obtained. Another special feature surveys Antarctic stations and the astronomical facilities
作者:Chengmin Zhang  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/05/06 裝訂:精裝
This decade has seen a large number of high-energy space missions, which, alongside ground-based optical and radio telescopes, have enabled the detailed study of accreting compact objects. IAU S290 addresses the state-of-the-art research on accretion in astrophysical objects and systems ranging in scale from active galactic nuclei down to stellar black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs, by bringing together scientists from each of these fields. It focuses on understanding the common physics of slow and relativistic outflows in these objects and features reviews on modelling, observations and instrumentation. Specific topics covered in this volume include: the physics of accreting systems, the magnetic environment around compact objects, large scale properties of accretion, the accretion-ejection connection, jets and outflows, and instrumentation. The fundamentals of accretion and its applications are reviewed in several of the papers, making this a useful reference guide for resear
作者:Rosanne Di Stefano  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/04/29 裝訂:精裝
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are bright, distinctive explosions that are effective tools to study the expansion history of the Universe. Given their importance, it is remarkable that we still do not know the exact nature or natures of the astrophysical systems that generate them. IAU Symposium 281 assesses the state of searches for the progenitor systems and describes progress toward the solution of the so-called Type Ia progenitor puzzle. This long-standing problem has proved difficult to solve, because it involves so many areas at the frontiers of astrophysics. Topics covered include: work on new surveys; studies of white dwarfs, accretion binaries, and related phenomena; binary evolution models and different ways to test them; and SNe Ia explosions, light curves and supernova remnants. This volume presents all sides of the ongoing debates, benefiting researchers and graduate students working on Type Ia supernovae, close binary evolution, and binary populations.
作者:R. Elizabeth Griffin  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/06/30 裝訂:精裝
IAU Symposium 285 addresses studies of variability among the whole gamut of cosmic objects. While new fields involving transients, blazars, gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei and quasars are still emerging, the puzzles posed by longer-term sources of variability still remain. This volume adopts an interdisciplinary theme, examining different manifestations of variability to gain new scientific insights that may be missed when one type of object or variability is studied in isolation. By integrating discussions from participants across the breadth of astronomical science, it addresses the core question: 'How can technology and collaboration be better harnessed to enhance the science requirements and outcomes?' With major new transient surveys coming online soon to lay the groundwork for LSST, the results, research tools and visions presented here will help both researchers and database managers collaborate in the exciting challenges of time-domain astronomy.
作者:Mercedes T. Richards  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/09 裝訂:精裝
In IAU Symposium 282, members of the exoplanet and binary star communities unite for the first time to discuss the state-of-the-art discovery, imaging, modeling and analysis tools used to study stars, brown dwarfs and exoplanets in multiple-object systems. They describe detection techniques using advanced telescopes and detectors, including the Kepler mission and the proposed Gaia and LSST projects. Imaging techniques discussed include adaptive optics, interferometry, polarimetry and tomography, while key modeling tools are covered in detail. Other topics include simulations of formation mechanisms in binary star systems, non-conservative evolution of binary stars, the formation and evolution of planets and a theory for the structure, atmospheres and evolution of giant exoplanets. The volume concludes with hydrodynamic simulations, models of planetary atmospheres and the habitability of exoplanets. These proceedings demonstrate how sophisticated modeling codes bridge the gap between
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