In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the Italian city of Verona is disrupted by two wealthy families at war. The Capulets and the Montagues despise each other. Unwittingly, Romeo Montague and Juliet Ca
In The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Hamlet is mourning the death of his father, the King of Denmark. He is angry about the sudden marriage of his mother, Queen Gertrude, to his uncle, Claudiu
★Reader's Theater 是一套針對英語劇場表演所設計的全彩讀本,故事內容涵蓋豐富的經典故事,如:Goldilocks and the Three Bears、The Gingerbread Man、The Little Red Hen 等。 ★以劇本的方式呈現故事內容,以不同色彩來標示出不同的角色;情節中穿插有趣的韻文或歌曲,讓故事表演更具戲劇張力。 ★學生透過同儕間的互動練習,不
★Reader's Theater 是一套針對英語劇場表演所設計的全彩讀本,故事內容涵蓋豐富的經典故事,如:Goldilocks and the Three Bears、The Gingerbread Man、The Little Red Hen 等。 ★以劇本的方式呈現故事內容,以不同色彩來標示出不同的角色;情節中穿插有趣的韻文或歌曲,讓故事表演更具戲劇張力。 ★學生透過同儕間的互動練習,不
In The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice, a cruel manipulation turns tragic. Othello, a Moor serving as a general in the Venetian army, passes over Iago for a promotion. Iago gets angry and decid
★Reader's Theater 是一套針對英語劇場表演所設計的全彩讀本,故事內容涵蓋豐富的經典故事,如:Goldilocks and the Three Bears、The Gingerbread Man、The Little Red Hen 等。 ★以劇本的方式呈現故事內容,以不同色彩來標示出不同的角色;情節中穿插有趣的韻文或歌曲,讓故事表演更具戲劇張力。 ★學生透過同儕間的互動練習,不
★由王小棣監製「植劇場」系列 X 金鍾編劇黃金組合溫郁芳、張可欣 x 導演北村豐晴 X 金鐘影帝吳慷仁 X 未來新星力量★台視 X 八大 X 愛奇藝 今年最受矚目的原創戲劇改編小說家家有本難念的經,讓《戀愛沙塵暴》念給你們聽:因為青春期剛萌芽而身體躁動不已的小兒子——「我不是同志!」成天沈浸在巴西柔術而對男生深惡痛絕的女兒——「我不可能喜歡上好友的男友!」煩惱著該怎麼拒絕去女友父親公司上班的大兒子
「劇情縈繞心頭……翻頁聲不絕於耳的佳作。」——《人物》雜誌「炙手可熱的初試啼聲之作。」——《美國娛樂週刊》「出類拔萃……讓人無法移開目光。」——《出版者週刊》焦點書評「一讀便無法放下。」——《華盛頓郵報》「文思動人的不凡小說。」——道格拉斯.普萊斯頓、林肯.柴爾德 Douglas Preston,著有《聖骨之匣》與《聖者之物》等書。「屏息驚歎。」——《克科斯書評雜誌》焦點書評「構思令人驚奇。」——
For the first time since the fall of state communism, Russia is experiencing a profoundly creative revival of playwriting and directing. A new generation of directors has arrived on the country’s majo
Readers' Theater, Grade 1 productions offer teachers the flexibility of casting more than one reader for each role as a way to support emerging readers.
All your students can shine thanks to the flexible casting options provided in Readers' Theater, Grade 3. To support struggling readers, cast two or more students in each role; the extra support of ch
All your students can shine thanks to the flexible casting options provided in Readers' Theater, Grade 5. To support struggling readers, cast two or more students in each role; the extra support of ch