"A storybook ideal for launching the lunar year."?Books Inc."The Tales from the Chinese Zodiac series has energy, adventure and culture."?San Francisco Chronicle2017 is the Year of the Rooster, the tw
"The Year of the Dragon, written by Oliver Chin and wonderfully illustrated by Jennifer Wood, is the perfect book to teach teamwork, critical thinking, and friendship." - Tokyo Bunnie"Recommended...Th
"The lamb Sydney befriends the shepherd girl Zhi, as well as other animals of the Chinese lunar calendar, and demonstrates the qualities of a kind heart. Lists the birth years and characteristics of i
"A storybook ideal for launching the lunar year."—Books Inc., San Francisco2016 is the Year of the Monkey, the eleventh adventure in the popular annual series Tales from the Chinese
The piglet Patricia explores the farm with her parents and Farmer Wu. Growing up is a learning process, as Patty gets advice from her uncles, aunts, and cousins. But being a sensible pig takes practic
"Humor, adventure, and tradition come together for another fun installment in Oliver Chin's Chinese Zodiac series. Don't be scared off by the scales and fangs. Suzie is one snake you'll wish you had a
"Each [Tale from the Chinese Zodiac] combines a sense of tenacious accomplishment with just plain rollicking fun. Illustrator Jennifer Wood makes sure to imbue every page with energy in motion?'dazzli