Evil Mayor Maximus Kligore plans tocrush the hopes and dreams of Sleepy Hollow forever using Easter to do it. HarryMoon says enough is enough, in an adventure like no other. Harry discovers thatin ord
A new store opens up in town andoffers amazing birthday parties for the kids of Sleepy Hollow. Harry Moondiscovers that the store's owner is none other than the dark, evil Mayor Kligoreand he is hatch
While everyone is singing cheerful Christmas carols,Harry Moon and the Good Mischief Team march to a differentsong—Don’t be Afraid of the Dark. With their swords of light, theteam battles
WHILE EVERYONE is singing cheerfulChristmas carols, Harry Moon and the Good Mischief Team march to a differentsong-Don't be Afraid of the Dark. With theirswords of light, the team battles against the