Science Fiction is a fascinating and comprehensive introduction to one of the most popular areas of modern culture. This second edition reflects how the field is rapidly changing in both its practice
Colonialism/Postcolonialism is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies.Ania Loomba deftly introduces and examines:key fea
Reading is literary criticisma (TM)s fundamental tool. More significantly, our identities and intelligences are formed through reading. However, despite its cultural significance, its operations are t
Romanticism was a revolutionary intellectual and artistic movement which generated some of the most popular and influential texts in British and American literary history. This clear and engaging guid
This second edition of John Frow’s Genre offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the area. Genre is a key means by which we categorize the many forms of literature and culture, but it is
Colonialism/Postcolonialism is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the historical and theoretical dimensions of colonial and postcolonial studies.This new edition includes a new introduction and c
Tragedy is one of the oldest and most resilient forms of cultural narrative. Debated from Aristotle to the present day, tragedy has never lost it central place in aesthetic discourse and has been re-i
Genre is a key means by which we categorize the many forms of literature and culture. But it is also much more than that: in talk and writing, in music and images, in film and television, genres activ
Literary Geography provides a valuable introduction to the field, making work in cultural geography more accessible and visible to students and academics working in literary studies. Acknowledgin
What is a the canona (TM)? Who determines it? How should it be read? These are the questions that preoccupied academics during the a theory warsa (TM) of the late twentieth century and continue to cha
What is ‘the canon’? Who determines it? How should it be read? These are the questions that preoccupied academics during the ‘theory wars’ of the late twentieth century and continue to challenge and d
Theories of intertextuality suggest that meaning in a text can only ever be understood in relation to other texts; no work stands alone but is interlinked with the tradition that came before it and th
Ecocriticism explores the ways in which we imagine and portray the relationship between humans and the environment in all areas of cultural production, from Wordsworth and Thoreau through to Google Ea
From the apparently simple adaptation of a text into film, theatre or a new literary work, to the more complex appropriation of style or meaning, it is arguable that all texts are somehow connected to
Often labelled as ‘indescribable’, the sublime is a term that has been debated for centuries amongst writers, artists, philosophers and theorists. Usually related to ideas of the great, the awe-inspir