Drawing parallels with other traditions, U davinys emphasizes that Plotinus' philosophy was not a purely mental or rational exercise, but a complete way of life incorporating the spiritual virtues. Pl
In the spirit of the great German mystics, Hans Kury seeks to discover whence we have come and whither we are going. In these conversations of a solitary man with the mountains, the stars, the animals
This groundbreaking book underlines the primordial richness of language by focusing upon the spiritual qualities in poetry which serve to bridge the human and the Divine.
A four-volume collection of spiritual poetry by Frithjof Schuon who wrote approximately 3,500 poems in his mother tongue German. These poems express our experience of the sacred through the medium of
Journeys East tells the story of the twentieth century's encounters between East and West by exploring the lives of many of the most fascinating scientists, intellectuals, artists, and spiritual seeke
A four-volume collection of spiritual poetry by Frithjof Schuon, who wrote approximately 3,500 poems in his mother tongue German. These poems express the experience of the sacred through the medium of
A beautifully illustrated book on the life and message of Sri Ramana Maharshi, an Indian saint of recent times, Timeless in Time explores the life of this beloved holy man.
This commemorative edition contains for the first time Seton's drawings of American Indian motifs, a selection of photographs illustrating his life, information about his role as founder of the Boys S