Ellen Terry's correspondence was both exuberant and extensive. Her remaining letters provide a fascinating insight into the dynamics of the Victorian theatre, and the difficulties of life for a woman
Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographi
Following his participation in James Cook's circumnavigation in HMS Endeavour (1768-71), Joseph Banks developed an extensive global network of scientists and explorers. His correspondence shows how he
G K Chesterton (1874–1936) was an important figure in the Edwardian literary world. He engaged closely with the vibrant new influences in literature and reviewed a stream of new editions, biographies,
Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographi
Following his participation in James Cook's circumnavigation in HMS Endeavour (1768-71), Joseph Banks developed an extensive global network of scientists and explorers. His correspondence shows how he
Margaret Oliphant (1828-97) had a prolific literary career that spanned almost fifty years. She wrote some 98 novels, fifty or more short stories, twenty-five works of non-fiction, including biographi
William Huggins (1824–1910) was celebrated in his lifetime as the father of astrophysics. The letters and observatory notebooks contained in this edition allow Huggins’ important role in the developme
Part IV offers the first critical edition of the four full length novels and three stories that comprise the Chronicles of Carlingford. Each of the five volumes contains a full scholarly apparatus, in
John Moore was a Scottish physician who travelled extensively and wrote immensely popular accounts of these, which brought him international fame. Despite this, his travel writings have not been avail
Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia has held a significant place in literary imagination since its inception over 430 years ago. Our four-volume set presents five re-imaginings of the text, as well as two sho
A writer of fiction, literary criticism, travel narratives and libretti, E M Forster is best known for his beautifully-structured novels which held a mirror up to the English class system. This fascin
Ellen Terry's correspondence was both exuberant and extensive. Her remaining letters provide a fascinating insight into the dynamics of the Victorian theatre, and the difficulties of life for a woman
Ellen Terry's correspondence was both exuberant and extensive. Her remaining letters provide a fascinating insight into the dynamics of the Victorian theatre, and the difficulties of life for a woman
Sarah Robinson Scott was a writer, translator and social reformer. While Scott’s legacy presents her as a committed Anglican philanthropist, the letters she wrote reveal her to have been a witty, even
This collection gathers together a number of Daniel Defoe's non-fiction writings on political and economic issues. The selection is designed to reflect the numerous facets of Defoe's economic and poli
Includes ten volumes, which are suitable for Defoe scholars and academics of eighteenth-century history, religion and literature. This set offers readers texts and a wealth of editorial matter, includ