The interpretive science of semiotics offers powerful analytical tools for the application of many disciplines to the study of perception. Semiotics is the study of signs, and as such, is of relevance
Ehrat (philosophy and social science, Pontifica U. Gregoriana) says he is in the business of film theory, not film interpretation, and so considers film as a genre rather than particular films, and is
At a moment when 'literature' threatens to be collapsed into other discourses, or to be subsumed by such terms as 'narrative' and 'genre,' Jurgen Dines Johansen, although he recognizes its protean nat
Grounded in the semiotic thought of Charles Sanders Peirce, America's greatest polymath, Howard A. Smith's Teaching Adolescents addresses topics in educational psychology from a semiotic or sign-based
Preferring organic "topological knowing" to postmodernism's fragmented "surface" knowing, Merrell (foreign languages and literatures, Purdue U.) presents an intriguing, multidisciplinary case for view
Historically there has been a wide gulf between European and Anglo/American thought on the philosophy of language, in part because it is often difficult to find important European works in English tra