Mary Slesor had a shocking temper and fiery red hair. Brought up in a Dundee slum, her father was an alcoholic and her life was one of hardship and poverty. However, God had a plan to reach the head-h
Paul Brand grew up in the Kolli Malai hills in India. He was determined never to leave India and never to be a doctor like his father - especially to lepers. Paul came back to India with a medical deg
The ship that could never sink, the ship of dreams, became a ship of nightmares as it sank beneath the freezing Atlantic Ocean. Colliding with a massive iceberg, it was as much the arrogance of the sh
Elizabeth was a bright young girl who knew what it was to have a heart sore with troubles. Born in Portland, Maine, Elizabeth was deeply impacted by the death of her father, who suffered from tubercul
Two young people, one faith and a passion for God's Word—that is the beginning of the story of Francis and Edith Schaeffer. It's the start of a lot of other stories too as the Schaeffers were wonderfu
As a young child Eric Liddell lived in the exotic climate of China. His parents worked there as missionaries, teaching the good news of Jesus. Eric?'s life from then on brought him to boarding school
When the earth started to shake and the rocks fell Billy Bray knew that his life was in danger. When you're down a mine shaft, digging for tin, in the dark, damp tunnels... a rock fall could kill you.
There was something about John Chrysostom and the words he spoke that lit up his world.He was an important leader of the early church, known so much for his preaching and public speaking that he was g