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2025年 (1)
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Ian W. Archer (2)
;Machielsen, Jan (Cardiff University) (1)
Andrew Pettegree (1)
Andrew Spicer (1)
;Kumarasingham, Harshan,Smith, Kate (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (4)
Cambridge University Press (2)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 2
作者:Machielsen; Jan (Cardiff University)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/01/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:2011 元, 優惠價:95 1910
作者:Ian W. Archer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/02/29 裝訂:精裝
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society is an annual collection of major articles representing some of the best historical research by some of the world's most distinguished historians. Volume twenty-one of the sixth series includes the following articles: 'French crossings II: laughing over boundaries', 'Thinking with Byzantium', 'Why were some tenth-century English kings presented as rulers of Britain?', 'The Reformation of the generations: youth, age and religious change in England, c.1500–1700', 'Markets and cultures: medical specifics and reconfiguration of the body in early modern Europe', 'Troubling memories: nineteenth-century histories of the slave trade and slavery', 'The meaning of 'life': biology and biography in the work of J. S. Haldane (1860–1936)' and 'The demise of the asylum in late twentieth-century Britain: a personal history'. The volume also carries the Report of Council from 2010–11.
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 1
作者:Kumarasingham; Harshan; Smith; Kate  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2023/12/21 裝訂:平裝
定價:2011 元, 優惠價:95 1910
作者:Andrew Spicer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society is an annual collection of major articles based on papers given to the society by distinguished invited speakers, and by winners of the Society's prizes. Volume 26 of the sixth series includes the following articles: 'Presidential Address: Educating the Nation III. Social Mobility', 'Better off Dead than Disfigured'? The Challenges of Facial Injury in the Pre-modern Past', 'Who Was Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester?', ''Protestantism' as a Historical Category', 'Tall Histories: Height and Georgian Masculinities', 'Slavery and the Birth of Working-Class Racism in England, 1814–1833', 'Between Poise and Power: Embodied Manliness in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century British Culture', 'Last Resort or Key Resource? Women Workers from the Nazi-Occupied Soviet Territories, the Reich Labour Administration and the German War Effort', and 'The Grail of Original Meaning: Uses of the Past in American Constitutional Theory'.
作者:Andrew Pettegree  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/01/25 裝訂:精裝
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society is an annual collection of major articles based on papers given to the society by distinguished invited speakers, and by winners of the Society's prizes. Volume 25 of the sixth series includes the following articles: 'Presidential Address: Educating the Nation: II. Universities', 'Apocalyptic and Eschatological Thought in England around the Year 1000', 'Minding their Own Business: Married Women and Credit in Early Eighteenth-Century London', 'Making History Online', 'Richard Wagner and the German Nation', 'Traitors and the Meaning of Treason in Austria-Hungary's Great War', 'The Uses of Foreigners in Mao-Era China: 'Techniques of Hospitality' and International Image-Building in the People's Republic, 1949–76', ''Cramped and Restricted at Home'? Scottish Separatism at Empire's End', and ''Beamed Directly to the Children': School Broadcasting and Sex Education in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s'.
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
作者:Ian W. Archer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/02/28 裝訂:精裝
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society is an annual collection of major articles representing some of the best historical research by some of the world's most distinguished historians. Volume 23 of the sixth series includes the following articles: 'French Crossings IV: Vagaries of Passion and Power in Enlightenment Paris', 'Entrusting Western Europe to the Church, 400–750', 'Emperor Otto III and the End of Time' (The Alexander Prize Essay), 'Of Living Legends and Authentic Tales: How to Get Remembered in Early Modern Europe', 'The Semantics of 'Peace' in Early Modern England', 'What is Pain? A History' (The Prothero Lecture), 'A Room With a View: Visualising the Seaside, c.1750–1914', 'Safety First: The Security of Britons in India, 1946–1947', 'The 'Tropical Dominions': The Appeal of Dominion Status in the Decolonisation of India, Pakistan and Ceylon'. The volume also carries the Report of Council for 2012–13.
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690



