The weirdness never stops! Ella Mentry School's counselor wants everybody to stop arguing and get along with one another. He wants everybody to be polite! He wants everybody to live in peace and harmo
It's the start of a new school year, and A.J.'s third-grade teacher, Mr. Granite, is out of this world! He's a supergenius who talks weird, acts weird, and looks weird. He knows everything. Is he a co
It's Valentine's Day! And Mr. Louie, the hippie crossing guard, put a love potion in the water fountain. Now teachers are flirting with each other! Girls are asking boys out on dates! Will A.J. have t
The weirdness never stops! Oh no! A.J.?s mom just got a job, so he has to go to After School Kids? Kare. And Mr. Tony, the guy who runs it, is crazy. He wants to get into the Guinness Book of World
The weirdness never stops! The security guard at Ella Mentry School has gone off the deep end! Somebody is stealing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches from the vomitorium, and Officer Spence is on t
The weirdness never stops! It's Pee Wee Football season, and A.J.'s new coach is crazy. She wants the boys to do push-ups in the mud. She wants them to pick up a car. And worst of all, she wants to
The weirdness never stops! Something weird is going on! Mr. Granite has been assigned a student teacher, and A.J. and the gang think she might be a vampire. Miss Mary lives in a cave and sleeps hang
The weirdness never stops! Help! With the Recess Enrichment Program, A.J. and the gang have to take classes even during recess! The new teacher, Mrs. Lizzy, teaches how to make balloon animals, how
A.J. and the gang from My Weird School star in this series of after-school, holiday-themed chapter books featuring all-new hilarious stories and thirty-two pages of games, puzzles, and more.It's the w
Something weird is going on! Ms. LaGrange talks funny and she's from some other country called France! She thinks the vomitorium is a fancy restaurant! She grows her own food right out of the ground!
Miss Lazar, the janitor, likes to dance around the school with a mop! She has a secret room down in the basement where she keeps the bad kids! She says cleaning throw–up is fun! Miss Lazar i
Something weird is going on! Mr. Docker must be a mad scientist! He does nutty experiments and he has an evil, demented, cackling laugh. Plus he invented a car that runs onto potatoes. Mr. Docker is t
Never before has school been this mixed up—or this much fun! Could Mrs Roopy, the new librarian, be A.J.'s craziest teacher yet? When the class shows up they find her dressed first as George Washingt
Ms. Hannah wears dresses made out of potholders and collects garbage instead of throwing it out. Plus she's making A.J. be partners with smelly Andrea. This is the worst art class ever!
Miss Suki is a famous children's book author—and she's coming to A.J.'s school! She lives in the rainforest and writes about endangered animals. But when her pet raptor gets loose in the classroom, it
Mrs. Yonkers, the computer teacher, is the nerdiest teacher in the history of the world. She can type with her feet! She buys foam cheeseheads off eBay! She even puts a Webcam on a turtle! Is she tryi
Tired of following the strict rules of their grumpy replacement principal, second-grader A.J. and his classmates try to find a way to bring back eccentric but lovable Principal Klutz, who was fired fo
Mrs. Patty, the secretary, gives out the best Halloween candy in the history of the world! But her house is haunted! People say she's a witch and her husband is a ghost. Is it worth A.J. risking his l
Something weird is going on! Miss Holly, the Spanish teacher, is hanging mistletoe everywhere! That means boys will have to kiss girls. And girls will have to kiss boys. Ugh! Miss Holly is taking
Ms. Todd is subbing, and A.J. and his friends are sure she kidnapped Miss Daisy so she could take over her job. They're going to have to do the detective work to get the goods on her. But it won't be