As Hollis Frampton's photographs and retreated experimental films were testing the boundaries of the camera arts in the 1960s and 1970s, his provocative and highly literate writings were alternating t
Pioneering conceptual artist Vito Acconci began his career as a poet. In the 1960s, before beginning his work in performance and video art, Acconci studied at the Iowa Writers Workshop and published p
Artist Mel Bochner became a writer, he says, almost by accident. In 1965, as a youngartist in New York, he was out of a job; Arts Magazine paid him $2.50 for every review he turnedin, whether they pub
Ed Ruscha is among the most innovative artists of the last forty years. He is also one of the first Americans to introduce a critique of popular culture and an examination of language into the visual
Writings by the conceptual artist Michael Asher-including notes, proposals, exhibition statements, and letters to curators and critics-most published here for the first time. The California conceptu
Andrea Fraser's work, writes Pierre Bourdieu in his foreword to Museum Highlights, is able to "trigger a social mechanism, a sort of machine infernale whose operation causes the hidden truth of social
If you're interested in Plato, you're reading the wrong book. If you're interested indifficult childhoods, sexual misadventures, aesthetics, cultural history, and the reasons that aclub sandwich and o
What John C. Welchman calls the "blazing network of focused conflations" from whichMike Kelley's styles are generated is on display in all its diversity in this second volume of theartist's writings.
Who speaks? Who is silent? Who is seen? Who is absent? These questions focus on how cultures are constructed through pictures and words, how we are seduced into a world of appearances: into a pose of
As Hollis Frampton's photographs and celebrated experimental films were testing the boundaries of "the camera arts" in the 1960s and 1970s, his provocative and highly literate writin
Jack Burnham is one of the few critics and theorists alive today who can claim to have radically altered the way we think about works of art. Burnham's use of the term "system" (borr
In 2006, even though he could barely type, China's most famous artist startedblogging. For more than three years, Ai Weiwei turned out a steady stream of scathing socialcommentary, criticism of govern
Hans Haacke's art articulates the interdependence of multiple elements. An artwork is not merely an object but is also its context -- the economic, social, and political
Imaging Desire, Mary Kelly's long-awaited collection of writings from 1976 to 1995,asks fundamental questions about the analysis of current practices in art and makes rigorousarguments for a criticism
What John C. Welchman calls the "blazing network of focused conflations" from whichMike Kelley's styles are generated is on display in all its diversity in this second volume of theartist's writings.
These essays by art historian and critic Charles Harrison are based on the premisethat making art and talking about art are related enterprises. They are written from the point ofview of Art & Lan
Essays, project plans, and correspondence from across Nam Jun Paik's career, much of it previously out of print or unpublished. Nam June Paik (1932-2006) is a pivotal figure in the history of modern
Just as Carl Andre's sculptures are "cuts" of elemental materials, his writings arecondensed expressions, "cuts" of language that emphasize the part rather than the whole. Andre, acentral figure in mi