In the second illustrated novel of The Zodiac Legacy series, the dangerous dragon power only grows stronger within Jasmine, and Steven struggles to hold their ragtag team together, but as alliances be
In this second illustrated novel of The Zodiac Legacy series, the dangerous dragon power only grows stronger within Jasmine, and Steven struggles to hold their ragtag team together. But as alliances b
Steven Lee always thought that having superpowers would make him happy, make life easier, and make everything more fun. He was wrong. Steven, now 16 years old, has spent years living with the power of
In this second illustrated novel of The Zodiac Legacy series, the dangerous dragon power only grows stronger within Jasmine, and Steven struggles to hold their ragtag team together. But as alliances b
Steven Lee always thought that having superpowers would make him happy, make life easier, and make everything more fun. He was wrong. Steven, now 16 years old, has spent years living with the power of
Follows the experiences of a Chinese-American teen who is thrown into the middle of an epic global chase involving the release of twelve magical superpowers.
In the second illustrated novel of The Zodiac Legacy series, the dangerous dragon power only grows stronger within Jasmine, and Steven struggles to hold their ragtag team together, but as alliances be
It’s a heavy-metal battle royale when Maxwell—head of the Vanguard organization with the evil powers of the Dragon Zodiac—sends an army of robots against Steven Lee, the teenaged Tiger, and his team.
It’s a heavy-metal battle royale when Maxwell—head of the Vanguard organization with the evil powers of the Dragon Zodiac—sends an army of robots against Steven Lee, the teenaged Tiger, and his team.