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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:李奧‧巴伯塔  出版社:今周刊  出版日:2019/11/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:9 288
聰明簡潔的溝通:200 字寫重點,26 秒贏得注意力
作者:吉姆.范德海; 麥克.艾倫; 羅伊.史瓦茲  出版社:天下文化  出版日:2023/05/31 裝訂:平裝
《華爾街日報》、《今日美國》暢銷書數位時代的寫作聖經,推文、郵件、簡報全適用你知道嗎?●有三分之一的電子郵件根本沒人打開●大多數新聞報導都沒有人想看●你買來的書,許多章節連翻都沒翻在資訊爆炸的時代,每天產生的數十億文字都在讓人浪費時間!科學數據怎麼說:●眼動追蹤研究顯示,一個人平均花26秒閱讀一篇內容。●研究發現,200字之後的閱讀率大幅下降。●我們每天查看手機344次,但大腦卻在17毫秒內就判斷是否喜歡點閱的內容。不喜歡,就關掉。為什麼重要:這是一套顛覆一般認知的溝通法則,教你用最少的字說出更豐富的故事,簡報、文案、電子郵件……都適用。結論:簡潔帶來自信,冗長讓人恐懼。「聰明簡潔溝通法」教你穿透雜訊,直擊讀者的心。2017年,美國新聞界老將吉姆.范德海、麥克.艾倫與羅伊.史瓦茲成立Axios 新聞平台,他們發展出一套新的寫作模式,立志用「少即是多」的精神停止浪費大眾時間,解救讀者脫離文字苦海。這樣的寫作型態讓Axios在美國一夕爆紅,並在新聞界、商業界、政治界引領風潮。這本書總結這套全新強效的溝通方法,手把手教你抓住溝通要訣,運用文字、表情符號、排版技巧,讓你的文字成為讀者眼中唯一的焦點。|好評推薦| 《曼報》創立以來我已寫超過 70 萬字,而貫穿這 70 萬字的核心精神正是「聰明簡潔」(Smart Brevity),盡可能讓每一字一句都清楚、易讀且有分量。我認為「聰明簡潔」不只是一種美學與專業上的追求,更是與資訊接收者之間建立信任的關鍵,因為它意味著尊重每個人有限的時間與注意力。AI時代下人們將面臨更大量的內容,注意力將被進一步瓜分,此時「聰明簡潔」將是個更為重要且有價的觀念,值得每個人即刻展開練習。──Manny Li,《曼報》創辦人 這本書最常看到的一句話就是「為什麼重要」,不只在每一個觀點都會提到,甚至還用了一整個章節來談這件事。是啊!我們都有些觀點想說、想表達,但是先想想對其它人來說「為什麼重要」,再從本書學到更簡明、更有效的溝通。相信這一定會讓我們的文字跟表達,在別人前面變得更重要!對了,這本書的編排精美,重點清楚、寫作簡潔又有趣,真是讓我喜歡到一定要向您推薦啊!──王永福(福哥),頂尖企業簡報與教學教練、《上台的技術》與《教學的技術》作者這本書是數位時代的寫作聖經。──亞麗安娜.赫芬登(Arianna Huffington),Thrive 創辦人與執
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
作者:理查‧菲利  出版社:樂金文化  出版日:2022/07/06 裝訂:平裝
☆☆☆「指數基金教父」約翰.柏格專文讚譽☆☆☆☆☆☆柏格頭論壇雙雄《鄉民的提早退休計畫》作者們強力支持☆☆☆☆眾多指數投資人:查爾斯.艾利斯、威廉.伯恩斯坦、喬納森.克雷蒙等聯名推薦☆投資一定要主動嗎?不努力不積極就不會有獲利嗎?你是不是認為「積極進出市場,才能獲取成效」?你是不是覺得「只要努力,一定能挑到贏過市場的股票」?小心!你的貿然進取恐讓賺錢助力變阻力!其實,投資這門學問沒有你想得這麼困難或辛苦,只要轉變你的投資信仰,放下主動追求被動,使用指數化投資工具加上長期堅持的被動配置,《被動投資學》就是你成功追求致富的不敗信仰!知名《富比士》雜誌專欄作家理查‧菲利(Richard A. Ferri),從主動式證券經紀人變為提供被動式投資組合策略的公司創辦人。改變路線的他,以經紀商的銷售經驗加上實際歷史的研究數據,指明了主動式投資路線的曲折坎坷,以及被動式投資路線的種種優勢,下面,就一起來改變你的投資理念,學習能讓所有人抱得財富歸的投資學問吧!◎改變投資信仰第一招:放棄主動型基金長久以來,許多媒體、主動型基金業者不斷的揮舞著「主動型基金能賺取超額報酬」的大旗,吸引眾多投資人爭先恐後的加入其中。然而這一切只是行銷手法,事實上,主動型基金沒有你知道的那麼好!下列是你可能忽略的投資陷阱:【有銷售佣金或其他相關費用】在賺取超額報酬之前,當你選擇以主動型基金進行操作時,就須先繳納較高的相關手續費或佣金。跟相同投資目標的主動型基金相比較,追蹤指數的基金每年可能只收取0.2%的費用,而主動型基金每年則需收取1.2%的費用。【沒注意到的稅金】主動型基金為了努力賺取超額報酬,因而頻繁進出市場使得週轉率較高,而產生更多的稅金成本,這些成本需由投資人負擔。指數型基金的基金週轉率每年約6%,而主動型基金年度週轉率約50%。【追求高報酬的風險】愈高的報酬伴隨著愈高的風險。像是主動型基金可能會為了追求高報酬,而選擇小型資本公司的股票,因而有較高風險。【成功時的報酬少,失敗時的損失高】你以為只要績效勝出就能獲利,事實上,勝出的主動型基金賺取報酬的獲利程度,遠少於其他績效較差基金虧損所造成的高額損失,也就是說,勝出的主動型基金賺少賠多。【與指數型基金相比,績效較低】根據研究資料統計,當與主動型基金與指數型基金的報酬做比較,只有三分之一的機會主動型基金的績效會勝出,三分之二會輸給指數型基金,整體績效而
定價:500 元, 優惠價:9 450
庫存 > 10
Immune:How Your Body Defends and Protects You
作者:Catherine A. Carver  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2017/09/21 裝訂:平裝
The human body is like an exceedingly well-fortified castle, defended by billions of soldiers - some live for less than a day, others remember battles for decades, but all are essential in protecting us from disease. This hidden army is our immune system, and without it we could not survive the eternal war between our microscopic enemies and ourselves. Immune explores the incredible arsenal that lives within us - how it knows what to attack and what to defend, and how it kills everything from the common cold virus to plague bacteria.We see what happens when the immune system turns on us, and how life is impossible without its protection. We learn how diseases try to evade the immune system and exploit its vulnerabilities, and we discover how scientists are designing new drugs to harness the power of the system to fight disease. Do transplants ever reject their new bodies? What is pus? How can your body make more antibodies than there are stars in our galaxy? Why is cancer so hard for o
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
A New Green Day
作者:Antoinette Portis  出版社:Scallywag Press  出版日:2020/07/02 裝訂:精裝
讓波蒂斯的詩帶孩子認識大自然!超然的想像力結合可愛的插圖,小朋友可以透過解謎的方式,認識動物、植物和天氣。是誰在街道上用有光澤的墨水塗鴉?蝸牛!誰是長長溪流中的一顆逗號?蝌蚪!「波蒂斯詩作的魅力,在於讓已然熟知的事物,以嶄新的面貌在讀者的面前出現。每一頁都是驚喜,每一句都是新奇的體驗。」—《出版人週刊》推薦Who scribbles on the sidewalk with glistening ink? Snail!Who's a comma in a long, long sentence of a stream? Tadpole!Active readers will delight in the clever language and striking illustrations. On each spread, children will solve riddles about the familiar animals, plants and the weather that one child encounters outdoors throughout a whole day. 'The power of Portis's poems, and the surprise each page turn allows, lets readers experience familiar moments with awakened senses, offering them nothing less than a new world filled with fresh experiences.' - Publishers Weekly, starred review
定價:715 元, 優惠價:79 565
作者:李奧.巴伯塔  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2009/04/01 裝訂:平裝
永遠有收不完的郵件、減不下來的體重?事情怎麼做都做不完?全球熱門部落格TOP 50的格主李奧.巴伯塔,教你如何以「少」的力量,擺脫忙亂生活的夢魘!設定限度、去蕪存菁、化繁為簡、全神貫注、養成習慣、從小著手簡簡單單六大原則,讓你一邊讀,一邊就想趕快跟著做!身處數位化時代,人們彈指間就能輕鬆完成過去可能得曠日費時的工作,但這也意味著永無止盡的電子郵件和排山倒海而來的工作量。生活中資訊嚴重超載,每天每天
The Power of Paradox
作者:W Willcox  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/04/30 裝訂:平裝
One thing this book is not is a tightly-reasoned argument that leads the reader inevitably to the book’s main thesis. It is rather, like its cover, a collage. It is a hundred—more or less— observation
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
The Power of Less
作者:Samuel Hazo  出版社:Franciscan Univ Pr  出版日:2020/01/31 裝訂:精裝
定價:1400 元, 優惠價:1 1400
Less Is Better—Nuclear Restraint at Low Numbers
作者:Malcolm Chalmers  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/10/12 裝訂:平裝
Despite the rise of ‘new’ security threats like terrorism, cyber-war and piracy, the terrible destructive power of nuclear weapons still hangs over the world. Discussion on further strategic nuclear a
定價:1754 元, 優惠價:9 1579
The Power of Less: A Guide to Reduced Carb Living
作者:Edward Welch  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/02/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:320 元, 優惠價:1 320
Power and Willpower in the American Future
作者:Robert J. Lieber  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/04/30 裝訂:平裝
To argue against the widely proclaimed idea of American decline might seem a lonely task. After all, the problems are real and serious. Yet if we take a longer view, much of the discourse about decline appears exaggerated, hyperbolic and ahistorical. Why? First, because of the deep underlying strengths of the United States. These include not only size, population, demography and resources, but also the scale and importance of its economy and financial markets, its scientific research and technology, its competitiveness, its military power and its attractiveness to talented immigrants. Second, there is the weight of history and of American exceptionalism. Throughout its history, the United States has repeatedly faced and eventually overcome daunting challenges and crises. Contrary to a prevailing pessimism, there is nothing inevitable about American decline. Ultimately, the ability to avoid serious decline is less a question of material factors than of policy, leadership and political w
定價:1364 元, 優惠價:9 1228
Informal Power in the Greater Middle East ─ Hidden Geographies
作者:Luca Anceschi; Gennaro Gervasio (EDT); Andrea Teti (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/11/01 裝訂:精裝
By observing less frequented spaces of power, co-option, and negotiation, and particularly by focusing on the interplay between formal and informal power, this interdisciplinary collection provides ne
Simplicity Parenting:Using the power of less to raise happy, secure children
作者:Kim John Payne  出版社:Hawthorn Press  出版日:2019/04/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:934 元, 優惠價:95 887
Stretch ─ Unlock the Power of Less-and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined
作者:Scott Sonenshein  出版社:Harperbusiness  出版日:2017/02/07 裝訂:精裝
A Rice University social scientist teaches you to rethink what you need to succeed, and do more with what you already have, in this counterintuitive, evidence-based guide to changing the way you work
定價:1050 元, 優惠價:79 830
How To Become An Essentialist: The Complete Guide To The Power Of Less - Less Stress, Less Clutter: Anti Essentialism
作者:Reyes Dailey  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:360 元, 優惠價:1 360
The Power of Less ─ The Fine Art of Limiting Yourself to the Business and in Life
作者:LEO BABAUTA  出版社:HYPERION  出版日:2009/01/01 裝訂:精裝
With the countless distractions that come from every corner of a modern life, it’s amazing that we’re ever able to accomplish anything. The Power of Less demonstrates how to streamline your life by id
Essentialism: Free Yourself from the Clutter, Debt, and Stress - Rediscover the Power of Less with a Stoic Mind -
作者:Quinto Greco  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2020/12/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:560 元, 優惠價:1 560
The Metaphysics of Shoes
作者:Charline E. Manuel  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/04/27 裝訂:精裝
Discover your inner power to master your sole's journey Using the practical approach of short stories, author and inspirational teacher Charline E. Manuel uses shoes as a medium to highlight life-less
定價:1083 元, 優惠價:1 1083
The Will of Man
作者:Johnny Rutledge  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/08/28 裝訂:精裝
This book is a thought-provoking piece that has the power to make a very difficult subject simple and easy to understand. The will of man is no less and no more than man's God-given right to choose be
定價:1080 元, 優惠價:1 1080
The Will of Man
作者:Johnny Rutledge  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/08/28 裝訂:平裝
This book is a thought-provoking piece that has the power to make a very difficult subject simple and easy to understand. The will of man is no less and no more than man's God-given right to choose be
定價:673 元, 優惠價:1 673
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