A poignant evocation of childhood pain and jealousy at the desertion of a best friend, with a message of optimism and empowerment A child reminisces about the many joyful and playful moments she used to share with her dear old buddy, who has made a new friend. But although she is sad, she finds the strength to keep her head high and sets out to find a new playmate.
Pip and Posy are having a lovely day at the seaside, collecting shells and digging in the sand. But when Posy has a nap, Pip makes friends with a boy called Zac. Zac is very cool: he has lots of fun toys and beach gear, AND he's really good at handstands. So, to her dismay, when Posy wakes up, she finds that Pip is more interested in playing with Zac than her. A funny and dramatic story about working out that two's company and three's a...PARTY!https://issuu.com/nosycrow/docs/newfriend_preview/10
pip and Posy are having a lovely day at the seaside, collecting shells and digging the sand. But when Posy has a nap, Pip makes friends with a boy called Zac who has lots more toys and beach gear. A f
適讀年齡:國小4~6年級FUN心讀雙語叢書全套共6冊,20cm*20cm,附中英雙語CD針對國內小朋友需求而全新創作的圖畫書,故事生動活潑,每本書後都附有非洲動物的介紹。小象潔西卡一家有了新朋友—小老鼠塔貝莎。貝貝是隻勇敢又機智的小老鼠,總是在遇到危急情況的時候,想出辦法幫大家解圍。究竟小老鼠貝貝跟小象潔西卡遇到了什麼情況,會有什麼結果呢?……貝貝與小潔的相遇 Tabitha Meets An Elephant象寶寶小潔跟媽媽一起去馬戲團找象爸爸,卻意外碰上小老鼠貝貝向她求救……小老鼠貝貝與土狼 Tabitha and the Laughing Hyenas小老鼠貝貝與象寶寶小潔一家,遇上了愛嘲笑的土狼。小潔被這些土狼氣壞了,於是貝貝想出了一個辦法來治他們……小老鼠貝貝與大蟒蛇 Tabitha and the Python大象們怎麼都匆匆離開村落了呢?原來是大蟒蛇搞的鬼。貝貝與小潔決定利用他貪吃的個性,給牠一個教訓……小老鼠貝貝與鱷魚 Tabitha and the Crocodile貝貝與小潔在湖邊遇上了一隻鱷魚,看來這隻鱷魚似乎想要拿她們當午餐。聰明的貝貝跟小潔,會想出什麼辦法脫身呢?小老鼠貝貝逃生記 Tabitha Escapes from the Lions不好了!小老鼠貝貝被獅子爸爸抓走了!小獅子們似乎對貝貝很有興趣,貝貝該怎麼辦才好呢?小老鼠貝貝的驚喜派對 A Party for Tabitha為了歡迎貝貝的加入,村裡的大象們想幫貝貝辦一個驚喜派對,感謝她幫他們解決各種問題。大象們會為貝貝帶來怎麼樣的驚喜呢?