開學第一天Mae卻沒有一絲興奮。同學不喜歡她怎麼辦?如果她是唯一不會寫字的孩子怎麼辦?Mae心中充滿各種焦慮。直到遇見新同學Rosie及新老師Ms. Pearl,她們能幫助Mae克服不安嗎?From the author-illustrator of Hannah and Sugar comes a back-to-school tale about facing your fears, now in paperback with bonus tear-out lunchbox notesAs Mae's first day of school approaches, she decides she IS. NOT. GOING.School is scary! What if the other kids don't like her? Or what if she's the only one who doesn't know how to write? Or what if she misses her mom? Mae's anxiety only builds as she walks to school.But then she meets Rosie and Ms. Pearl. Will making new friends show her that they can conquer their fears together?
As Mae's first day of school approaches she decides she IS. NOT. GOING. School is scary! What if the other kids don't like her? Or what if she's the only one who doesn't know how to wri
形影不離的大白鵝與小女孩,演繹朋友間最窩心的陪伴!小朋友,第一天上學的情況,你還記得嗎?你會緊張嗎?如果白鵝小菇陪你上學,你猜會發生什麽事?本系列共6冊,講述小女孩蘇菲與小菇的相遇和生活點滴。故事情節富有幽默感,當中小女孩與小菇展現出朋友間的陪伴、分享和鼓勵,這段刻骨銘心的友誼定能感動小讀者的内心世界。When Sophie meets Goose on a trip to the park, they soon become inseparable!Goose is a series of 6 enchanting story books about an unusual and heart-warming friendship. With concise text and colourful illustrations,this series is stimulating for babies,engaging for toddlers and a great read along book for up to six years.Read with Sophie and Goose to:*build language skills*spark a love of reading*boost social-emotional learning本系列屬「新雅點讀樂園」產品之一,若配備新雅點讀筆,爸媽和孩子可以使用全書的點讀和錄音功能,聆聽粵語朗讀故事、粵語講故事、普通話朗讀故事和英語朗讀故事,並可錄下爸媽和孩子的聲音來說故事,增添親子閱讀的趣味!想了解更多新雅的點讀產品,請瀏覽新雅網頁(www.sunya.com.hk)