In the third book of the American history cluster, Jack and Annie are whisked to a midwestern prairie in the 1870s. They visit a one-room schoolhouse and learn about the hard life of the pioneers. Whe
Michael and his friends try to recruit Hatch’s Electric Youth to their side as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying sixth installment of the New York Times bestselling series!Michael an
現在,神奇樹屋的門已經打開,歡迎加入傑克與安妮驚險又有趣的知識之旅,和他們一起時空大冒險!美國知名兒童文學作家瑪麗.波.奧斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)創作的《神奇樹屋》(MAGIC TREE HOUSE®)系列,描述一對小兄妹傑克與安妮搭乘神奇樹屋穿梭時空的冒險故事。哥哥傑克,聰明冷靜、深思熟慮,熱愛書本和知識,他會將沿途看到的事物,重點式的記錄在筆記本上;而妹妹安妮,反應靈敏,喜歡
大魔王與無敵神劍-重陽節的故事『大魔王與無敵神劍』是一本用西方奇幻冒險的繪畫手法呈現中國重陽節故事的雙語繪本,內容不僅圖文並茂,在故事最後更附上《英文字彙練習》與《句型練習》讓孩子在欣賞奇幻故事同時也能加強孩子的英文。「救命啊 !可怕的大魔王來了!」一群小動物慌慌張張的從森林裡衝出來,晴朗的天空忽然烏雲密佈,一種緊張又恐怖的氣氛,瀰漫在森林裡。"Help!The horrible Big Devi