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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:蘇.普莉朵  出版社:聯經  出版日:2024/09/19 裝訂:平裝
▍榮獲豪森登獎、泰晤士報年度傳記 「我知道自己的宿命。總有一天,一提到我的名字就會聯想到某種恐怖的東西 ──我不是人,我是炸藥。」 撼動西方的哲學家──弗里德里希.尼采,他所提出的超人哲學、上帝已死、奴隸道德……深深影響了後世,其文字如同炸藥一般,引發了西方思想世界的震盪。在德意志帝國對外征伐的同時,尼采就已先預見了日耳曼精神中的虛無、墮落的信仰。他試圖破除偶像、重估一切價值,在他之後的思想家、藝術家,無不受到其影響。 「一想到哪天要是有不夠格、不合適的人拿我的名義招搖撞騙,我就怕得要死。」 尼采是歷史上最常被誤解的哲學家之一。由於妹妹伊莉莎白刻意改寫,讓他的作品經常被誤讀或濫用,甚至與尼采反對的軍國主義掛勾。在本書中,蘇.普莉朵企圖將尼采從模糊的謠言和誤讀中解放,重新給予公正的描述與評價。書中勾勒出比以往都更接近真實的尼采,深刻地揭示了這位哲學家生命中影響深遠的人物及他不同時期的歷程,讓這位偉大的哲學家不再遙不可及,而是充滿矛盾、激情與人性。 「我來教你們,如何成為超人」 尼采的一生,飽受病痛折磨,每次病痛就是一次考驗,每次復元都是一次價值重生。但他的精神能如駱駝般負重、成為獅子追求自由、化身孩童執行意志。尼采的精神與思想並不隨著癲狂而逝去,反而隨著著作永存。正如他所標榜的:我們必須要成為我們自己,接受生命帶來的一切,才能夠超越自己,成為超人。
庫存 > 10
定價:680 元, 優惠價:79 537
Human All Too Human & Beyond Good and Evil 人性的,太人性的&善惡的彼岸
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd  出版日:2015/03/10 裝訂:平裝
engHuman, All Too Human (1878) marks the point where Nietzsche abandons German romanticism for the French Enlightenment. At a moment of crisis in his life (no longer a friend of Richard Wagner, forced
定價:274 元, 優惠價:9 247
Posttraumatic Joy:A Seminar on Nietzsche? Tragicomic Philosophy of Life
作者:Matthew Clemente; Zeppa; Andrew J.  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/10/09 裝訂:平裝
定價:1299 元, 優惠價:9 1169
作者:(英)蘇‧普里多  出版社:南京大學出版社  出版日:2023/01/02 裝訂:平裝
《紐約時報》編輯之選《泰晤士報》2018年度傳記圖書2019年度“霍桑登文學獎”獲獎作品典範性傳記深刻洞察德國哲學家、詩人弗裡德里希•尼采非凡而悲愴的一生本書為德國著名哲學家弗裡德裡希‧尼采的傳記。有別於一般傳記的平鋪直敘或是理性克制,本書對尼采叛逆而充滿爭議的一生的描述飽含著作者對這位偉大哲人的深切同情,在她優美而動人的文字中,我們不僅僅對尼采從童年、青少年直至生命最後時光的矛盾而苦難的一生有了全新的認識,對他格言體寫作和他思想的發展脈絡有了完整的把握,更是為他與瓦格納亦父亦子關係從熱情到背叛的轉折,與彼得‧加斯特、奧弗貝克等人友誼的忠貞,與母親弗蘭奇斯卡尤其是與妹妹伊麗莎白之間的親情羈絆與思想割裂而感憤不已。------------金句:1.“如果沒有遇到瓦格納的音樂,我的青春將是無法忍受的”,尼采寫道,而作曲家對他施展的魔力將終生縈繞著他。瓦格納是尼采作品中出現頻率最高的人物,甚至超過基督、蘇格拉底或歌德。2. 因為高度近視,這雙眼睛對世界報以模糊而不確定的凝視,然而一旦聚焦,他的目光卻又如此犀利、尖銳、令人不安,它令人無法說出謊言。3. 正如此前的知識分子以飄逸的長髮和柔軟的絲質領結來宣示浪漫主義一樣,尼采則以強調其驚人的前額與頭腦、隱藏其感性的嘴唇與堅定的下巴,來宣示其後浪漫主義的理性主義。4. 他童年時創作的大部分音樂都留存了下來,這要歸功於他的母親和妹妹,她們保留著她們所崇拜的男孩筆下的每一枚碎片。5. “他從未在數學上表現出一點點尋常的勤勉,可以說,他的書面和口頭作業總是一味地在退步,因此,在這個科目上他甚至不能說令人滿意。”布赫賓德罵道,但這一番抱怨被其同事們平息了,他們問他:“難道你希望我們扼殺普弗爾塔有史以來最具天賦的學生嗎?”6. 想想今天搖滾音樂節的觀眾,或是尼采如何描述自己聽到《特裡斯坦》時的反應:那仿佛是將耳朵緊貼在宇宙意志的心臟之上,感受著對於生命那勢如奔雷的狂暴欲望。7. 《悲劇的誕生》一書中,日神精神和酒神精神所表達的人性的二元性概念,以及直面科學提供的確定性幻覺的關鍵需求,將佔據他餘生的思想活動。8. 我不清楚別人在瓦格納的陪伴下會經歷什麼,但我們的天空中從未有過陰雲。9. 尼采深知他的羊駝是一位聰明的女性,他也待她如此。在這一點上,尼采不同於他所在的時代。終其一生,他都珍視聰明的女性,與她們建立了親密而持久的友誼。他只會愛上聰
定價:600 元, 優惠價:87 522
I Am Dynamite! ― A Life of Nietzsche
作者:Sue Prideaux  出版社:Tim Duggan Books  出版日:2018/10/30 裝訂:精裝
A groundbreaking new biography of philosophy's greatest iconoclast Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most important figures in philosophy, and his concepts—the Übermench, the will to power,
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
I Am Dynamite! ― A Life of Nietzsche
作者:Sue Prideaux  出版社:Tim Duggan Books  出版日:2019/10/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
The Racial Discourses of Life Philosophy ─ Negritude, Vitalism, and Modernity
作者:Donna V. Jones  出版社:Columbia Univ Pr  出版日:2011/12/20 裝訂:平裝
Donna V. Jones shows how Henri Bergson, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the poets Leopold Senghor and Aime Cesaire fashioned the concept of life into a central aesthetic and metaphysical category, while also
定價:1216 元, 優惠價:9 1094
作者:Gordon C. F. Bearn  出版社:Fordham Univ Pr  出版日:2013/02/01 裝訂:精裝
Deleuze's publications have attracted enormous attention, but scant attention has been paid to the existential relevance of Deleuze's writings. In the lineage of Nietzsche, Life Drawing develops a ful
作者:Gordon C. F. Bearn  出版社:Fordham Univ Pr  出版日:2013/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Deleuze's publications have attracted enormous attention, but scant attention has been paid to the existential relevance of Deleuze's writings. In the lineage of Nietzsche, Life Drawing develops a ful
定價:2340 元, 優惠價:1 2340
I Am Dynamite!:A Life of Friedrich Nietzsche
作者:Sue Prideaux  出版社:Faber & Faber  出版日:2019/08/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2001/08/23 裝訂:精裝
Nietzsche wrote The Gay Science, which he later described as 'perhaps my most personal book', when he was at the height of his intellectual powers, and the reader will find in it an extensive and sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views which were most central to Nietzsche's own thought and which have been most influential on later thinkers. These include the death of God, the problem of nihilism, the role of truth, falsity and the will-to-truth in human life, the doctrine of the eternal recurrence, and the question of the proper attitude to adopt toward human suffering and toward human achievement. This volume presents the work in a new translation by Josefine Nauckhoff, with an introduction by Bernard Williams that elucidates the work's main themes and discusses their continuing philosophical importance.
作者:Simon May  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/11/28 裝訂:精裝
On the Genealogy of Morality is Nietzsche's most influential, provocative, and challenging work of ethics. In this volume of newly commissioned essays, fourteen leading philosophers offer fresh insights into many of the work's central questions: How did our dominant values originate and what functions do they really serve? What future does the concept of 'evil' have - and can it be revalued? What sorts of virtues and ideals does Nietzsche advocate, and are they necessarily incompatible with aspirations to democracy and a free society? What are the nature, role, and scope of genealogy in his critique of morality - and why doesn't his own evaluative standard receive a genealogical critique? Taken together, this superb collection illuminates what a post-Christian and indeed post-moral life might look like, and asks to what extent Nietzsche's Genealogy manages to move beyond morality.
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/02/20 裝訂:精裝
For much of his adult life, Nietzsche wrote notes on philosophical subjects in small notebooks that he carried around with him. After his breakdown and subsequent death, his sister supervised the publication of some of these notes under the title The Will to Power, and that collection, which is textually inaccurate and substantively misleading, has dominated the English-speaking discussion of Nietzsche's later thought. The present volume offers, for the first time, accurate translations of a selection of writings from Nietzsche's late notebooks, dating from his last productive years between 1885 and 1889. Many of them have never before been published in English. They are translated by Kate Sturge from reliable texts in the Colli-Montinari edition, and they are edited by Rüdiger Bittner, whose introduction places them in the context of Nietzsche's philosophy as a whole.
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1997/11/06 裝訂:精裝
The four short works in Untimely Meditations were published by Nietzsche between 1873 and 1876.They deal with such broad topics as the relationship between popular and genuine culture, strategies for cultural reform, the task of philosophy, the nature of education, and the relationship between art, science and life. They also include Nietzsche's earliest statement of his own understanding of human selfhood as a process of endlessly 'becoming who one is'. As Daniel Breazeale shows in his introduction to this new edition of R. J. Hollingdale's translation of the essays, these four early texts are key documents for understanding the development of Nietzsche's thought and clearly anticipate many of the themes of his later writings. Nietzsche himself always cherished his Untimely Meditations and believed that they provide valuable evidence of his 'becoming and self-overcoming' and constitute a 'public pledge' concerning his own distinctive task as a philosopher.
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2001/09/01 裝訂:平裝
Nietzsche wrote The Gay Science, which he later described as 'perhaps my most personal book', when he was at the height of his intellectual powers, and the reader will find in it an extensive and sophisticated treatment of the philosophical themes and views which were most central to Nietzsche's own thought and which have been most influential on later thinkers. These include the death of God, the problem of nihilism, the role of truth, falsity and the will-to-truth in human life, the doctrine of the eternal recurrence, and the question of the proper attitude to adopt toward human suffering and toward human achievement. This volume presents the work in a new translation by Josefine Nauckhoff, with an introduction by Bernard Williams that elucidates the work's main themes and discusses their continuing philosophical importance.
Writings from the Late Notebooks
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/10/01 裝訂:平裝
For much of his adult life, Nietzsche wrote notes on philosophical subjects in small notebooks that he carried around with him. After his breakdown and subsequent death, his sister supervised the publication of some of these notes under the title The Will to Power, and that collection, which is textually inaccurate and substantively misleading, has dominated the English-speaking discussion of Nietzsche's later thought. The present volume offers, for the first time, accurate translations of a selection of writings from Nietzsche's late notebooks, dating from his last productive years between 1885 and 1889. Many of them have never before been published in English. They are translated by Kate Sturge from reliable texts in the Colli-Montinari edition, and they are edited by Rüdiger Bittner, whose introduction places them in the context of Nietzsche's philosophy as a whole.
定價:1884 元, 優惠價:9 1696
Human, All Too Human
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1996/12/01 裝訂:平裝
This remarkable collection of almost 1,400 aphorisms was originally published in three instalments. The first (now Volume I) appeared in 1878, just before Nietzsche abandoned academic life, with a first supplement entitled The Assorted Opinions and Maxims following in 1879, and a second entitled The Wanderer and his Shadow a year later. In 1886 Nietzsche republished them together in a two-volume edition, with new prefaces to each volume. Both volumes are presented here in R. J. Hollingdale's distinguished translation (originally published in the series Cambridge Texts in German Philosophy) with a new introduction by Richard Schacht. In this wide-ranging work Nietzsche first employed his celebrated aphoristic style, so perfectly suited to his iconoclastic, penetrating and multi-faceted thought. Many themes of his later work make their initial appearance here, expressed with unforgettable liveliness and subtlety. Human, All Too Human well deserves its subtitle 'A Book for Free Spirits',
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403
Untimely Meditations
作者:Friedrich Nietzsche  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1997/11/13 裝訂:平裝
The four short works in Untimely Meditations were published by Nietzsche between 1873 and 1876.They deal with such broad topics as the relationship between popular and genuine culture, strategies for cultural reform, the task of philosophy, the nature of education, and the relationship between art, science and life. They also include Nietzsche's earliest statement of his own understanding of human selfhood as a process of endlessly 'becoming who one is'. As Daniel Breazeale shows in his introduction to this new edition of R. J. Hollingdale's translation of the essays, these four early texts are key documents for understanding the development of Nietzsche's thought and clearly anticipate many of the themes of his later writings. Nietzsche himself always cherished his Untimely Meditations and believed that they provide valuable evidence of his 'becoming and self-overcoming' and constitute a 'public pledge' concerning his own distinctive task as a philosopher.
定價:1429 元, 優惠價:9 1286
Nietzsche ─ Life As Literature
作者:Alexander Nehamas  出版社:Harvard Univ Pr  出版日:1987/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Argues that Nietzsche tried to create a specific literary character in his writings and discusses the paradoxes of his work
定價:1349 元, 優惠價:9 1214
Zarathustra's Secret ― The Interior Life of Friedrich Nietzsche
作者:Joachim Kohler; Ronald Taylor (TRN)  出版社:Yale Univ Pr  出版日:2002/05/01 裝訂:精裝
More than a century after his death in 1900, Nietzsche remains a seminal figure in the history of European intellectual life. Celebrated as a liberator by some, maligned as a pernicious influence by o
定價:2470 元, 優惠價:9 2223
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