★從毛澤東到習近平,審視近一個世紀中國間諜活動的詳盡歷史,與現況剖析★傳統的間諜活動並沒有消失,也永遠不會消失──對於每一個想要透徹了解中共間諜活動與諜報技術,以及中國如何在外交、軍事、經濟與科技上影響台灣、美國甚至全世界的人來說,本書是必讀之作! ※《華盛頓時報》、《華爾街日報》、《軍事評論》、《經濟學人》、《外交政策》、《亞洲事務》、《美國國防新聞週刊》、《East West Notes》、產經新聞報系「JAPAN Forward」網站、美國新聞網站「Townhall.com」等各大國際媒體強力推薦!※本書特色:第一本參閱大量中文資料來說明中國情報活動的歷史與現狀。全書共有七章,揭示了中共情報組織的轉變和改革、諜報機構領袖、著名情報人員和重要行動,以及中國在其他國家的間諜活動有多麼的活躍而全面。中國共產黨自1921年創立後,歷經「四一二事件」,其歷史可以說是交織著密集的間諜網絡。比起其他國家的政權,為何中共對付自家叛徒特別殘忍無情?因為中共明白,背叛與情報,對黨和整個國家都具有極大威脅,甚是影響民族生存。1927至1935年的中共中央特別行動科(中央特科),便懷有一項重要任務:懲處背叛與對黨造成嚴重危害的黨員。簡單來說,中共很早就意識到了情報對於黨的安全性和軍事行動的價值。1927年蔣中正下令「清黨」,造成共產黨損失慘烈。為了知己知彼,中共著名的「龍潭三傑」錢壯飛、李克農(有特工之王之稱)、胡底,滲入國民黨軍情局負責黨務的第一處處長徐恩曾底下,為共產黨爭取一次又一次的生存機會。中共特工顧順章被捕叛變(後遭滅門),儘管錢壯飛力挽狂瀾地止血傳遞消息,仍讓當時的共產黨逼近滅亡。抗日期間,不少共產黨選擇與日偽政權合作,藉機在國民黨與日本之間保持生存空間,後來更是順利扳倒國民政府。然而,更具諷刺的,中共掌權的20世紀中後,經歷多次大清洗與文革,中共的情報組織與特工人員也沒逃過一劫。毛澤東曾說過,整個延安大長征中,間諜就和大麻一樣厚,情報分子成了政權鬥爭的標靶,隨著1955、1967和1983年的三場大清洗,中國情報界從黨內的位置轉到了國務院的政府部門,人才大量下降。鄧小平時代開始,更將情報加套進人民解放軍系統,2015年,習近平宣布了一系列情報組織改革,從根本上改變了解放軍的情報系統。總參謀部第二部門(2PLA,負責蒐集分析軍事政治情報)和總參三部(3PLA,計
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This book is an introduction to the emerging field of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience, a branch of neuroscience that combines the disciplines of evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience. It outlines the application of cognitive neuroscientific methods (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magneto- and electroencephalography, and the use of neuropsychiatric and neurosurgical patients) to answer empirical questions posed from an evolutionary meta-theoretical perspective. Chapters outline the basics of cognitive evolution and how the methods of cognitive neuroscience can be employed to answer questions about the presence of evolved cognitive adaptations. Written for graduate students and researchers, the book presents the major topics of study undertaken by evolutionary cognitive neuroscientists – such as language evolution, intelligenceand face processing – and serves as a primer upon which to base further study in the discipline.
This book is an introduction to the emerging field of evolutionary cognitive neuroscience, a branch of neuroscience that combines the disciplines of evolutionary psychology and cognitive neuroscience. It outlines the application of cognitive neuroscientific methods (e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magneto- and electroencephalography, and the use of neuropsychiatric and neurosurgical patients) to answer empirical questions posed from an evolutionary meta-theoretical perspective. Chapters outline the basics of cognitive evolution and how the methods of cognitive neuroscience can be employed to answer questions about the presence of evolved cognitive adaptations. Written for graduate students and researchers, the book presents the major topics of study undertaken by evolutionary cognitive neuroscientists – such as language evolution, intelligenceand face processing – and serves as a primer upon which to base further study in the discipline.