入圍2020年坎迪爾歷史獎(Cundill History Prize)入選《紐約時報》(New York Times)2020年關注書籍入選《科克斯書評》(Kirkus Reviews)2020年最佳非小說類書籍入選《金融時報》(Financial Times)2020年最佳政治類書籍葛塔藉由本書給予了讀者許多精彩的故事,可看到西亞地區發生許多牽一髮而動全身的事件。……一九七九年之後的西亞與國際局勢,伊朗的革命確實在其中產生重要影響。在這時代若以伊朗作為觀察西亞局勢發展的中心,並不會過於誇張。葛塔以一九七九年之後的伊朗作為本書的主要角色,可見她了解若要觀察今日西亞局勢,必須把伊朗放在最核心的位置。——陳立樵(輔仁大學歷史系副教授)│專文導讀當代中東的面貌是如何形成的?極端主義、恐怖分子為何成了中東世界的代名詞?1979年為什麼是中東歷史重要的關鍵時間點?1979年,伊朗革命、麥加禁寺圍困事件與蘇聯入侵阿富汗相繼發生。金姆.葛塔在《黑潮》中,透過廣泛而細膩的調查,詳盡剖析這三件關鍵大事的前因後果,以及對西亞地區往後的歷史、文化、宗教與地緣政治形勢造成的深遠影響。《黑潮》描述了遜尼派的沙烏地阿拉伯和什葉派的伊朗走向反目的歷程,並揭示兩國如何在競爭中對宗教加以利用和扭曲。這場爭奪文化統治力的戰爭從中東蔓延到埃及與巴基斯坦,產生了數不清的衝突、謀殺與迫害,不僅刺激宗教極端主義的孳生,更導致911恐怖襲擊和ISIS的崛起。金姆.葛塔向我們介紹了四十年來被地緣政治劇情顛覆了生活的人們:從反抗本國獨裁者的巴基斯坦電視主播、因不雅文字而入獄的埃及小說家,一直到2018年在沙烏地駐伊斯坦堡領事館遇害的記者哈紹吉。這是一本全面而有力的巨作,將會大大地改變人們對中東的認知。名家推薦中東糾葛的現代火藥庫,就是一環繼承著一環、舊恨不斷觸發新仇的記憶拼圖——從1979的革命狂潮到伊斯坦堡領事館的駭人慘案——任何當代的政經解析都躲不了過去的歷史傷痕,也唯仔細剖析每一個關鍵人物的遭遇與決策,才有辦法理解如今中東仍不斷更新的「下一場現代危機」。——張鎮宏(《報導者》國際新聞主編)在當代,要思索自己身處的世界,到底是怎麼搞成這樣的?我們究竟出了什麼問題?並不是件容易的事情。需要在關照每一個切身事件的同時,避免情緒與主觀的遮蔽,嘗試以更宏大的視野,整理出看似不相干事件之間的脈絡。做為傑出記者的作者,正
Novelistic and character-driven, Black Wave is an unprecedented and ambitious examination of how the modern Middle East unraveled and why it started with the pivotal year of 1979.Kim Ghattas seamlessl
The first full-length study of Iranian nationalism in nearly five decades, this sophisticated and challenging book by the distinguished historian Ali M. Ansari explores the idea of nationalism in the creation of modern Iran. It does so by considering the broader developments in national ideologies that took place following the emergence of the European Enlightenment and showing how these ideas were adopted by a non-European state. Ansari charts a course through twentieth-century Iran, analysing the growth of nationalistic ideas and their impact on the state and demonstrating the connections between historiographical and political developments. In so doing, he shows how Iran's different regimes manipulated ideologies of nationalism and collective historical memory to suit their own ends. Drawing on hitherto untapped sources, the book concludes that it was the revolutionary developments and changes that occurred during the first half of the twentieth century that paved the way for later
The first full-length study of Iranian nationalism in nearly five decades, this sophisticated and challenging book by the distinguished historian Ali M. Ansari explores the idea of nationalism in the creation of modern Iran. It does so by considering the broader developments in national ideologies that took place following the emergence of the European Enlightenment and showing how these ideas were adopted by a non-European state. Ansari charts a course through twentieth-century Iran, analysing the growth of nationalistic ideas and their impact on the state and demonstrating the connections between historiographical and political developments. In so doing, he shows how Iran's different regimes manipulated ideologies of nationalism and collective historical memory to suit their own ends. Drawing on hitherto untapped sources, the book concludes that it was the revolutionary developments and changes that occurred during the first half of the twentieth century that paved the way for later